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left_flag Tuesday, December 10
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Host Kerby Anderson welcomes Martin Mawyer. Martin, founder of Christian Action Network shares information about Christian Action Network’s IRS Allegations. Up next Mary DeMuth will share her book: “The Seven Deadly Friendships.” And in the final hour Dave Thornton brings us the book: “One Year Pray For America Bible.”

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Martin Mawyer
Founder - Christian Action Network
Martin Mawyer began his career as a freelance journalist, resulting in his position as the Editor-in-Chief of Jerry Falwell’s “Moral Majority Report.” In 1990, he founded the Christian Action Network (CAN), a non-profit organization created to protect America’s religious and moral heritage through educational and political activism efforts, both on the national and grassroots levels. The organization is based on Biblical principles, values and traditions. Under Mawyer’s leadership, CAN has grown to over 150,000 members. He has written four books, directed three documentary films and has appeared on the top television and radio programs in the country, including Larry King Live, The O’Reilly Factor, The Hannity Show, NBC’s Today Show, Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, and Entertainment Tonight. His four books include: Silent Shame: The Shocking Story of Child Sexual Abuse in America; Pathways to Success: First Steps for Becoming a Christian in Action; Defending the American Family; and his most recent book, Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America. Mawyer has been married 40 years to his wife, Bonnie. Together they have four children and four grandchildren.
Mary DeMuth
Mary DeMuth
Author | Speaker
If you met Mary DeMuth today, her joy would confuse you. Who she has become in light of tragedy is a testimony of Jesus’s ability to transform a broken life. A child of three divorces, a victim of sexual assault at a young age, with a father who died when she was ten, Mary wanted to end her life in her teens. In the tenth grade, she heard about Jesus, and she knew she wanted to chase after Him for the rest of her life. Thankfully, He chased her.

Mary is the author of thirty-two books, including her latest: Jesus Every Day. She has spoken around the world about God’s ability to re-story a life, bringing needed freedom to her audiences. She’s been on the 700 Club, spoken in Munich, Cape Town, and Monte Carlo, and planted a church with her family in southern France. Her best work? Being a mom to three amazing young adults and the wife of nearly 25 years to Patrick. She makes her home in Dallas alongside her husband, and two dueling cats.
The Seven Deadly Friendships: How to Heal When Painful Relationships Eat Away at Your Joy
There's something wrong with your friendship, but you can't figure out why. Is everything in your head? Unfortunately, toxic friendships happen to everyone, but we seldom identify the underlying issues while we battle confusion or the friendship breaks up.

Maybe you're left bewildered in the friendship's wake, paralyzed to move forward.

After wading through several difficult friendships, Mary DeMuth reveals the seven different types of toxic relationships and empowers you to identify the messiest relationships causing you the greatest anguish.

Face the reality of your broken relationship, and unearth exactly what went wrong.
Discover why you may attract toxic people.
Heal from broken relational patterns so you can choose safer friends.
Evaluate when it's time to press into a friendship or let it go.
You'll gain a new relationship with Jesus as you trust him to be your confidant, healer, and life-giving friend.
Dave Thornton Show Page
Dave Thornton
Brand Director - Tyndale House Publishers
Dave Thornton is the Bible Brand Director at Tyndale House in Carol Stream, Illinois. He has served in leadership roles for other leading Christian Publishing companies including David C. Cook, Gospel Light, and Group Publishing for over two decades. Dave earned a B.A. in Speech Communications from Bethel University in St. Paul, MN and and M.Div. from Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL. Dave and his wife Tammy are the parents of four adult children and grandparents to five adorable kids.
One Year Pray For America Bible
Pray for the pressing needs of the United States of America as you read through the whole Bible in just one year. The One Year Pray for America Bible provides the structure to help you read God’s life-changing Word in the clear and easy-to-read New Living Translation in just 15 minutes a day. It includes daily non-partisan prayer prompts and inspirational prayers from famous Americans that help you intercede for your neighbors and your nation. This special edition of The One Year Bible equips you to apply your daily Bible reading as short prayers for leaders in every sphere of civic life. The One Year Pray for America Bible will help you apply the principles of God’s unchanging Word to effective prayer for our rapidly changing society. Allow God to change you and our country as you spend a year in the Word and on your knees.
AG William-Barr
William Barr and the IG Report
By: Al Perrotta - - December 9, 2019 The Department of Justice Inspector General has put out his long awaited report on the FISA abuses by the Obama FBI, but Attorney General William Barr and ...
Afghanistan US Troops
Afghanistan War Based on Lies
By: Daniel DePetris - - December 09, 2019 Anyone with eyes can see quite clearly that U.S. involvement in Afghanistan is an unmitigated failure. The war in Afghanistan, now in its 19th year, is about as protracted ...
AOC Profile
Truth About Work Requirement
By: Robert Rector - - December 08, 2019 The Trump administration on Wednesday released a final rule strengthening work requirements in the food stamp program. Predictably, it set off alarms on the left. Rep. Alexandria ...



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