On the phone from London, Mark Woods, Managing Editor of Christian Today speaks to Kerby, about Marks’s book Does the Bible Really Say That?. In the second hour, Kerby speaks with Andrew Walker, Director of Policy Studies for the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, about his latest book, God and the Transgender Debate.
Join us with your questions or comments on these timely topics. Call 800-351-1212 to talk on-the-air with Kerby and his guests.

Andrew is managing editor of Canon & Culture. His writing and commentary have appeared in such outlets as National Review, Public Discourse, The Daily Caller, First Things, The Federalist, The Gospel Coalition, TIME, The Resurgent, and elsewhere. He also serves as the Director of the ERLC’s Research Institute, and also as an Associate Research Fellow. Prior to working for the ERLC, Andrew served as a policy analyst with The Heritage Foundation’s DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society. He was featured by the New York Times as one of America’s “undaunted” young leaders in defense of marriage. His first book with co-author Eric Teetsel is titled Marriage Is: How Marriage Transforms Society and Cultivates Human Flourishing (Nashville: B&H) and was published in June 2015. He is the editor alongside Russell Moore of the Gospel for Life series (B&H 2016). His most recent book set to publish in August 2017 is God and the Transgender Debate: What the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity?
This warm, faithful and careful book helps Christians understand what the Bible says about gender identity. It will help us to engage lovingly, thoughtfully and faithfully with one of the most explosive cultural discussions of our day.
If you want to learn more and love better, and are open to considering what God has to say about sex and gender, this hope-filled book is for you.