On today’s show host Kerby Anderson welcomes author J.S. Shelton. He brings us his book, “Unmuzzled.” Kerby shares the latest updates from today’s headlines. From the war on children and war on religious freedom, to national and local politics, he covers it all. AND he’ll take your calls.
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Whether it is pornography, masturbation, fornication, same-sex attraction, adultery, or lust in general...sexual sin is restraining men (and women more than ever now) all over the world. Why is it that hundreds of books have been written, thousands of sermons preached, and millions of prayers prayed against sexual immorality...but instead of witnessing an uprising, we are tolerating a backsliding.
Get ready to drop Hell's most celebrated sin in your life! This muzzling grip is hell-bent on preventing you from reaching all God has for you. Unmuzzled is a time-sensitive and prophetic warning written specifically to men who call themselves Christians.