Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. His guest is Danita Jenae. She is a young mom and recent military widow. And she’ll be sharing her book, “When Mountains Crumble: Rebuilding Your Life After Losing Someone You Love.” In the second hour, Kerby will start with the news and give us updates from a biblical view point.
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When Mountains Crumble isn’t a formulaic how-to book because there’s no right or wrong way to grieve. In fact, you’ll find the freedom and permission to feel what you need to feel and ask what you need to ask. Through vivid word pictures, poetry, and illustrations, you’ll begin to understand your grief in a fresh way. By sifting through the ashes alongside Danita, you’ll uncover peace for now and hope for the future. And as you begin to embark on this difficult journey . . . you’ll no longer feel so alone.