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left_flag Tuesday, November 7
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

In the first hour of the show today, Cathie Adams from Texas Eagle Forum joins us to discuss President Trump and the Paris Agreement.

In the second hour, we hear from Jeanne Allen, founder, and CEO of The Center for Education Reform. She tells us more about School Choice.

Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Cathie Adams
1st VP | International Issues Chairman - Texas Eagle Forum
Cathie Adams serves as the President of Texas Eagle Forum, the International Issues Chairman for Eagle Forum and on the board of the national Eagle Forum. She was elected Republican National Committeewoman for Texas in 2008 and stepped down after being elected Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas from 2009-2010. She was named by Campaigns and Elections magazine’s August 2010 issue as one of the top 50 Republican influencers in Texas.

Most recently, Cathie has been observing the United Nations design a Green Climate Fund. As an observer of major UN conferences since 1995, Cathie enjoys telling about her experiences. She attended the Women’s Conference in Beijing, China; the Housing Summit in Istanbul, Turkey; the Food Summit in Rome, Italy; and a number of Climate Change meetings in Kyoto, Japan, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bonn, Germany, The Hague, Netherlands, Poznan, Poland, Cancun, Mexico, Durban, South Africa, Doha, Qatar, Warsaw, Poland and Lima, Peru. When the International Criminal Court was created in Rome in 1998, Cathie attended the proceedings. She also attended the 2000 Millennium Summit in New York City, the Global Taxing Summit in Monterrey, Mexico, and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa. She traveled to Hong Kong for a Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization and to Paris, France for a UNESCO meeting.

Mrs. Cathie Adams is a full-time volunteer. She has been married to Dr. Homer Adams for 46 years and they have five grandchildren. Their son and daughter-in-law are both Texas A&M graduates.
Trump is NOT Pandering to the United Nations
The United Nations is hosting its latest “climate change” meeting in Bonn, Germany, November 6-17. This 23rd Conference of the Parties of the UN Climate Change treaty is different than others I’ve attended since 1997 ...
Jeanne Allen
Jeanne Allen
Founder | CEO - The Center for Education Reform
Jeanne Allen has been on the front lines of education policy development and innovation for more than 30 years. She served for five years at the Department of Education during the Reagan Administration, where she was responsible for policy development and implementation in the areas of student financial aid, accreditation, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Following her government service, she served for six at the Heritage Foundation, where she developed the organizations education policy program and also launched Town Hall, one of the earliest online social networks. In 1993, she left Heritage to found the Center for Education Reform, which quickly became one of the most influential organizations in the education field dedicated to developing and promoting innovative reforms in schools throughout the nation. CER was an early advocate for school choice, and played an important role in the creation and development of the charter school movement. Twenty-three years after its founding, CER remains a leader in a wide variety of efforts to innovate and improve education at all levels, and across all learning venues. Jeanne is its CEO. Jeanne Allen’s success flows from her talents as an entrepreneurial spirit and devotion to innovation. Her entire career has been devoted to education reform, and she is nationally known and admired for her dedication to the nationwide fight to ensure that the bedrock of U.S. schooling is innovation, freedom and flexibility.

When time permits, she enjoys visiting the village of her family’s origin in Campania, Italy, and spends time on the water, especially with her husband Dr. Kevin Strother.
Jeanne Allen
School Choice
Matt Damon and I are “in” the same film. I should be thrilled, but it’s a poorly contrived documentary with a storyline worlds apart from the reality of education for most Americans.

Entitled “Backpack Full of Cash” for a phrase I used in an interview with the filmmakers, it posits that the point of any form of education choice – charter schools, opportunity scholarship programs and other alternatives to traditional public schools – is to privatize American education, hence the use of my comments to frame the documentary.
How Dare the GOP Pray for Texas
It is now deplorable to offer ‘thoughts and prayers’ for the First Baptist church families. Imagine you are a sane Democrat who recognizes that a big reason Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in November ...




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