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left_flag Tuesday, October 8
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Again today is our guest host is Penna Dexter! Her guests today are Christopher Towne, Curtis Bowers, and Wesley Smith.

She talks with Christopher about the 40 Days for life event coming up on October 12. Then she will chat with filmmaker, Curtis Bowers about his film, Agenda 2: Masters Of Deceit. Finally, Penna welcomes Wesley J. Smith, Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, to talk about how Catholic hospitals can be sued for refusing transgender hysterectomy.

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Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Christoper Towne Show Page
Christopher Towne
Ambassador | Leader - Texas Right to Life & 40 Days for Life
Christopher L. Towne was born in Wheat Ridge, CO on December 12, 1977 into a religious family with three other siblings. He had a passion to serve his country and upon graduation from High School went into the United States Marine Corps. He served roughly 8 years and received the rank of Sergeant with his specific duties as a Military Police Officer Investigator, Military Police, Correctional Counselor, and Correctional Officer. He worked hard and completed his bachelor in American History prior to his end of serving on active duty.
With the country still at war Christopher once again decided to join the military- this time as an Infantry officer and logistics officer in the Army. Once again he served for roughly 8 years, received the rank of Captain, and deployed to Iraq receiving the combat infantry badge from hostile enemy contact. He ascended from among other top officers as the primary logistical support advisor to the Commander of 450 personnel. The Squadron Executive Officer acknowledged Chris for “rapidly transforming a lackluster logistical section into the strongest support section.”
Christopher, in 2012 decided to leave the military and became an executive at a national grocery retailer. Longing to once again help others, he in 2018 volunteered to become ambassador for the Texas Right to Life. His responsibilities through community outreach is to help spread the prolife movement and in 2019 was asked to lead the upcoming Plano 40 Days for Life campaign.
Curtis Bowers
Filmmaker | Speaker - Copybook Heading Productions
Curtis Bowers is a Christian statesman, husband, father, filmmaker, speaker, and businessman. He served as a State Representative in the Idaho Legislature, started and operated three Award winning Fondue Restaurants, and produced the $101,000 Grand Prize winning film, AGENDA: Grinding America Down. Curtis and wife, Lauren, home educate their 9 children and operate the independent film company Copybook Heading Productions. The Bowers sing at events across the country and recently released their new film, AGENDA 2: MASTERS OF DECEIT.
Agenda Logo
AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit (Movie Trailer)
"AGENDA is the most powerful expose of the communist, socialist, progressive attempt to take over America produced so far." -Ted Baehr
Wesley J Smith-Show Page
Wesley J. Smith
Author | Senior Fellow - Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism
Lawyer and award winning author, Wesley J. Smith, is a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. He is also a consultant to the Patients Rights Council.
Smith has been named one of the nation’s premier expert thinkers in bioengineering and the Great Defender of Life.
He is the author or coauthor of fourteen books. A prolific writer and blogger, Smith has published hundreds of articles and opinion columns on issues such as the importance of being human (human exceptionalism), assisted suicide, bioethics, eugenics, transhumanism, legal ethics, medical ethics, and public affairs.
Throughout his career in public advocacy, Smith has appeared on thousands of television and radio talk/interview programs and has been called to testify by countless members of legislative and executive branches of government to give advice on issues within his fields of expertise. He has testified as an expert witness in front of federal and state legislative committees, and has counseled government leaders internationally about matters of mutual concern.
Smith is an international lecturer and public speaker, appearing frequently at political, university, medical, legal, disability rights, bioethics, religious, industry, and community gatherings across the United States, Europe, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and at the United Nations.
Supreme Court
Louisiana Abortion Case to be Reviewed by US Supreme Court
By: Shannon Bream & Bill Mears - - October 4, 2019 The Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear a challenge to a controversial Louisiana abortion law, with a decision on the politically and socially charged issue ...
Supreme Court building - sunset
Oral Arguments at Supreme Court in Trans Funeral Home Employee Case
By: Ryan Anderson - - October 6, 2019 Does a 50-year-old law banning discrimination based on sex mean employers must treat biological men who identify as women as if they are women? That’s the question the ...
Conscience Rights re: Transgender Healthcare?
By: Wesley J. Smith - - September 19, 2019 I wrote the other day about the intention within bioethics to destroy Catholic healthcare. Today, a court ruling from California proves my point. A Catholic hospital known ...
By: Arthur C. Brooks - - October 7, 2019 In political news — or is it entertainment news? — actress Scarlett Johansson has endorsed Elizabeth Warren for president in 2020. Meanwhile, Tom Hanks has lined up behind Joe ...




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