Comedian Jeff Allen will be our first guest. He will be talking to our host Kerby Anderson about his new book, Are We There Yet? being released today! In it, Jeff shares his life from tragedy to purpose. Kerby’s second guest is Adam Johnson. Dr. Johnson brings us his new book, Divine Love Theory, a fascinating discussion about moral absolutes.
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Born into a tough working-class Chicago family, Allen fell into substance abuse at an early age, and his problems didn’t magically go away when he got married. In fact, with the arrival of two children, they intensified. The sense that his life was meaningless made his family life as dark and biting as his comedy.
But in his darkest moment, an unlikely encounter with the gloomiest book of the Bible set him on the path to salvation. The opening line of Ecclesiastes— “Meaningless, meaningless, all in life is meaningless”—resonated with him.
So he kept reading, and soon he discovered the Source of meaning. Eventually, Allen found himself with a revitalized marriage and a repurposed career.
If you have struggled to find meaning in your life, this book is for you.

Johnson contends that the Trinity provides a remarkably convincing foundation for making moral judgments. One leading atheistic proposal, godless normative realism, finds many deficiencies in theistic and Christian theories, yet Johnson shows how godless normative realism is susceptible to similar errors. He then demonstrates how the loving relationships of the Trinity as outlined in historic Christian theology resolve many of the weakest points in both theistic and atheistic moral theories.