Today our host Kerby Anderson welcomes Dr. Larry Taylor into the studio. They will discuss the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Kerby’s other guest is Lauren McAfee. Lauren brings us her new book, Created in the Image of God.
It’s going to be a very informative show. Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at

ACSI exists to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
ACSI will become a leading international organization that promotes Christian education and provides training and resources to Christian schools and Christian educators, resulting in schools that contribute to the public good through effective teaching and learning and that are biblically sound, academically rigorous, socially engaged, and culturally relevant; and educators who embody a biblical worldview, engage in transformational teaching and discipling, and embrace personal and professional growth.

The rich chapters within, and their helpful application to human dignity issues, will help our world to regain a sense of the marvelous privilege that is ours as image bearers and how that should impact our engagement with complex dignity issues of our day.