On our Millennial Round Table show today, Kerby is joined by the Allie Beth Stuckey and Denison Forum’s Dr. Nick Pitts . They will look at the top stories in the news this week and give you their biblical perspective. Please feel free to weigh in on the issues with your comments, questions and concerns when you call us in-studio at 800-351-1212.

He came to the Denison Forum in 2014. He contributes to the Forum in the areas of geopolitics and popular culture, as well as serving as the editor of the Daily Briefing. He continues work on his doctorate and serves as an adjunct professor at DBU, teaching a master’s level course in the philosophy of leadership.
His Ph.D. research centers upon John F. Kennedy’s engagement of the religious community in the 1960 presidential campaign. He presented a paper on the topic at Calvin College’s 2015 symposium on religion and public life.
He is an editor at large for The Liberty Project, an online magazine, and his op-eds have been published by The Philadelphia Inquirer, Religion News Service and Townhall.com.
He received a bachelor’s degree in 2007 from Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, and a master’s degree in 2009 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.

These statements are worthless.
While some of the professors who have signed them may sincerely believe that the university should honor the value of non-left free speech, one should keep in mind the following caveats.
First, the number of professors, deans and administrators who have signed these statements is very small.