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left_flag Wednesday, July 19
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
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Welcome to Wednesday! Our own Kerby Anderson will host. His guest today is guest is Robert Knight. Bob joins Kerby to discuss the price of moral cowardice. Then we will hear Kerby’s insight on the week and the top issues affecting our lives.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
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Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Robert Knight Show Page
Robert Knight
Columnist | Author - Washington Times
Robert Knight is an author and regular weekly columnist for The Washington Times, and other outlets. A former Los Angeles Times news editor and writer, he was a Media Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Robert was a journalist for 15 years, including seven at the Los Angeles Times. He has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Political Science from American University. He has been published by the Wall Street Journal, National Review, the Christian Post, and many others.

Mr. Knight is a senior fellow for STAND (Staying True to America’s National Destiny). He has held senior positions at the American Civil Rights Union (now the American Constitutional Rights Union), the Family Research Council, the Culture & Family Institute at Concerned Women for America, the Heritage Foundation, Coral Ridge Ministries, and the Media Research Center.

He wrote and directed the documentary videos “The Children of Table 34,” about sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, and “Hidden Truth: What You Deserve to Know about Abortion.” He has written seven books, including “Liberty on the Brink” (2020) and “The Coming Communist Wave” (2020), and co-authored three others.
Hand Push-Back Democratic Donkey
The Price of Moral Cowardice
What is it with Republicans who try to fight the culture war with one hand tied behind their backs?
FBI Director Christopher Wray
FBI and Christopher Wray
FBI Director Christopher Wray endured a barrage of questions from House Republicans this past week.
No Labels candidates, Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman (R)
No Labels Candidates
Liberal columnists are increasingly apoplectic that the No Labels group could play spoiler and derail President Biden’s reelection bid.
No Labels Party panel
No Labels is Threat to Parties
By: Joe Lieberman - - July 15, 2023 The smears prove how rotten politics has become. Former Sen. Joe Lieberman says party attacks on the group prove that it's a threat in 2024. For ...
Vice President Biden & Hunter
The Secret Service Makes Me Nervous
Irving Berlin's last musical was a largely forgotten show called "Mr. President" (1962). One of the silly songs below his usual high standards included the lyric "The Secret  Service makes me nervous."



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