Today Point of View‘s host is Kerby Anderson! Kerby’s guest is Dr. Thaddeus Williams. He brings us a book, “Don’t Follow Your Heart.” In the second hour, Kerby’s guests are Lauren Green McAfee and Michael McAfee. They bring us their new book, Beyond Our Control: Let Go of Unmet Expectations, Overcome Anxiety, and Discover Intimacy with God.
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In Don't Follow Your Heart, Thaddeus Williams debunks the "ten commandments of self-worship."
Williams builds a case that this type of self-worship is not authentic, satisfying, or edgy. Instead, its rehashing what is literally humanity's oldest lie. He calls on a new generation of mavericks and renegades, heretics who refuse to march in unison with the self-obsessed herd.

In their new book, Beyond Our Control,Michael and Lauren McAfee show us how trusting God brings greater contentment than the illusion of control. With deep and abiding faith, the McAfees draw on their experiences with adoption, infertility, illness, and loss to help readers navigate unexpected circumstances. Offering biblical insights and their powerful story of pain and providence, Michael and Lauren know that no matter what happens--to their family, work, or ministry--everything is as it should be because God is in control, and he is good.