July 21st, 2022
Walker Wildmon and Abraham Hamilton, III
If Democrats really care about women, why do they want to shut down crisis pregnancy centers?
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July 21st, 2022
Youth Male alone on stone steps
If you want to help change the downward spiral of culture, spend some time mentoring the fatherless.
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July 18th, 2022
Pregnant Woman getting Ultra-Sound
The U.S. Supreme Court decision on Dobbs has sent abortion advocates and their allies in the media scurrying to strike fear into the hearts of women.
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June 28th, 2022
Pregnant-black woman-holding-ultrasound
By: Mark Rodgers & Kiki Bradley – –  June 28, 2022 To reduce unwanted pregnancies, support maternal and prenatal health, and ease the social and economic costs of caring for the child after birth. In Aesop’s fable “The Old Man and Death,” a man, bent down doubled with age and toil, was gathering sticks in a forest. At last he...
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June 15th, 2022
Enfomil - Baby formula
Worrying your child will go hungry is the most basic fear of every mother. As a mom of two myself, I can only imagine the panic and anxiety mothers all over the country are feeling.
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June 7th, 2022
Life Factor Logo
Life Factors Ministries hope for children and teens growing up fatherless, motherless, orphan foster care, divorce, blended family. Grandparents raising grandkids, single parents, modern families.
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June 6th, 2022
Back view of hugging couple
It doesn’t get more biblical than claiming that God has designed sex to be enjoyed exclusively between a man and a woman who are husband and wife.
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May 26th, 2022
police officer at Uvalde talks to people
An eighteen-year-old gunman killed at least nineteen children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, yesterday afternoon in what is now the deadliest school shooting in Texas history and at least the thirtieth shooting at a K–12 school in the US in 2022.
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May 5th, 2022
Dad with son on shoulders
With the Left’s hostile response to Florida’s initiative to support responsible fathers, conservatives can occupy the high ground on this crucial issue.
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April 13th, 2022
Biden, Obama, Pelosi celebrate bill
By: Dennis Prager – – April 12, 2022 As I have documented on a number of occasions, the Left ruins everything it touches. There is no exception. From universities to high schools and now including even elementary schools, to late-night TV, to sports, to the arts and, increasingly, science, the Left is a destruction machine. And nowhere is this...
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