November 1st, 2018
High school baseball players praying together in locker room
By: Ross Cluver – ccmmagazine.com – September 28, 2018 Kansas City, Mo. (September 24, 2018) For many, sports has become more of a platform than a way to glorify God. But nearly 200,000 students, coaches, parents and community members will gather on hundreds of athletic fields nationwide next month for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes 15th annual Fields of Faith...
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September 23rd, 2018
Samaritan Ministries Logo
By: Samaritan Ministries – charismamag.com – May 21, 2018 “Ownership” is probably one of the last words the average American might use to describe their health care. But more than a quarter-million members of Samaritan Ministries International say they are much more in control of their health care now that they are a part of this health care sharing ministry....
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July 30th, 2018
By Wycliffe Associates – resources.wycliffeassociates.org – current MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) training is available to empower the global church to draft their Bible in months rather than years. The pilot program took place in 2014.  Since that time, God has opened doors to expand its influence. MAST is also being developed to address oral language needs, deaf translation work,...
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July 18th, 2018
kachin christians praying
By: Gary Lane – www1.cbn.com – July 10, 2018 Northwood Church founder Pastor Bob Roberts worries if the US Congress doesn’t act soon, ethnic Kachin Christians in Burma may face the same plight as the Rohingya. He believes prayer and action can make the difference in saving them. Roberts is a member of the Faith Coalition to Stop Genocide in...
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