November 25th, 2020
biden-on debate stage
Joe Biden’s gun-control plans have about zero chance of getting through Congress, especially if Republicans win at least one of the Georgia runoffs. That’s good, because his bright idea for restricting “assault weapons” would force America’s gun owners to choose between (a) giving up millions of their firearms and magazines to a federal “buyback” and (b) registering those guns with...
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November 25th, 2020
Protesters at Biden Rally
When my liberal friends share their apocalyptic fears about right-wing brown shirts, I say, “I’ve never encountered one of those people; have you?” The answer is always no. Source: Only Liberals Can Stop Illiberalism | RealClearPolitics
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November 25th, 2020
Hunter Biden at DNC 2020
The left-wing news media didn’t just poison the information environment with their incessantly negative coverage of President Trump going into the 2020 election. They also refused to give airtime to important arguments of the Republican campaign — both pro-Trump and anti-Biden — which meant millions of voters cast their ballots knowing only what the media permitted them to know about...
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November 25th, 2020
trump speaking at campaign rally in az
Google’s search-engine manipulation in the 2020 election could have shifted a minimum of 6 million votes to Democrat Joe Biden, according to research psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein. Source: Dr. Robert Epstein: Google bias shifted at least 6 million votes!
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November 24th, 2020
Black Lives Matter Protest
Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina gave a remarkable speech at this year’s Republican National Convention. Yes, here was a black man at a GOP event, so there was a whiff of identity politics. When we see color these days, we expect ideology to follow. But Mr. Scott’s charisma that night was simply that he spoke as a person, not...
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November 24th, 2020
Trump - Thumb's Up - WH Lawn
America will weather its current hysterias. But the tensions and furor are reminiscent of the last generations of the Roman Republic. In its last century, Romans began to adjudicate politics by obsequious partisan town criers (their version of our media), mass demonstrations, and freelance street gangs. Looters, arsonists, and demonstrators did pretty much as they pleased in the streets of...
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November 23rd, 2020
The legal team for President Donald Trump distanced itself from Sidney Powell Sunday evening, announcing that she has no official role with the campaign or the president himself. Source: ‘On Her Own’: Trump Legal Team Distances Itself From Sidney Powell | The Daily Caller
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November 23rd, 2020
The American Thinker Logo
In the recent presidential election, Wisconsin had a high turnout, 72.3 percent, of which Joseph Biden took 49.6 percent — 250,000 more votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016 — and enough to win.  For a candidate whose rallies virtually no one attended, and whose political party, in response to recent rioting and looting, was passive, that’s pretty good.  Or is it? Source:...
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November 23rd, 2020
American Flag - blown apart
The pieces are finally coming together, and they reveal a masterpiece of electoral larceny involving Big Tech oligarchs, activists, and government officials who prioritize partisanship over patriotism. Source: The Greatest Election Heist in History | The Stream
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November 20th, 2020
Trump supporters protest
By: Peggy Noonan – wsj.com – November 19, 2020 No hard evidence of widespread fraud, no success in the courts or prospect of it. You can have a theory that a bad thing was done, but only facts will establish it. You need to do more than what Rudy Giuliani did at his news conference Thursday, which was throw out...
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