October 26th, 2023
Dr. Fauci lying
Remember when Sen. Rand Paul accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of funding China’s Wuhan virus lab?
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October 4th, 2023
man in labcoat blinded by mask mouth taped
Health authorities and policymakers squandered public trust by lying to the American people.
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October 2nd, 2023
man in crosswalk from civilization to rubble
By: Andrew Stuttaford – – September 28, 2023 A hamstrung green economy would mean a worse future The industrial revolution is not yet canceled, but it has become “problematic.” When delegates arrived in Glasgow, Scotland, for Conference of the Parties 26, the 2021 edition of the U.N.’s climate jamboree, Britain’s then–prime minister, Boris Johnson, welcomed them with a speech in...
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August 22nd, 2023
Woman in Queens, NY wearing a KN95 mask
Medical ‘experts’ have returned to the airwaves to warn Americans it’s time for a return to masking amid a ‘summer spike’ in Covid.
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August 20th, 2023
Faucci on CBS News
By: Bonchie – – August 23, 2023 It won’t be long before the seasons change and Fall is ushered in. That usually means cooler weather, football, and the leaves changing color. This is 2023, though, so it also means it’s time for yet another round of COVID-19 panic, and sure enough, the latest iteration of a “Winter of severe illness and...
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July 30th, 2023
heat reading - Furnace Creek Visitor Center Death Valley, CA July 16
By: Allysia Finley – – July 30, 2023 Alarmist stories about the weather, not the warm air itself, are behind the left’s anxiety and dread. The media wants you to know it’s hot outside. “ ‘Heat health emergency’: Nearly half the US at risk,” CNN proclaimed last week as temperatures climbed above 90 degrees in much of the country....
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July 28th, 2023
suit and tie with pin I still want to believe (in UFOs)
By: Scott Norvell – – July 26, 2023 For a brief two-hour window Wednesday, the bombast and bluster that normally looms over Capitol Hill fell by the wayside and a bipartisan group of House members courteously turned their attention to what Americans apparently really want to hear about: UFOs. Representatives Matt Gaetz and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sat on the same dais...
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July 27th, 2023
Dr. Anderson
By: Matt Ridley and Alina Chan – – July 26, 2023 The controversy over the origins of Covid-19 refuses to die, despite efforts early in the pandemic to kill it. It was natural to doubt it was a coincidence that an outbreak caused by a SARS-like coronavirus from bats began in Wuhan, China, the only city where risky experiments were being done...
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June 22nd, 2023
college classroom lecture hall
First Liberty Institute today sent a letter to St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas on behalf of Dr. Johnson Varkey, a former adjunct professor, demanding reinstatement to his position.  
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June 19th, 2023
Doctor scrub stethoscope
By: Ian Kingsbury – – June 16, 2023 A recent study on mortality rates between different races offers politicized deceptions instead of scientific inquiry. Woke ideology isn’t corrupting just our children’s education and our political discourse. Just as troubling is its destructive impact on scientific inquiry — the foundation of progress in virtually every field of life. In medical research...
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