Sexual Ethics
June 24th, 2024
Biden speaks frowns squints
The Biden administration’s announcement that it would be replacing biology with ideology to win a few gold stars from science-denying woke culture warriors has already drawn the promise of a legal challenge from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) on Friday.
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June 21st, 2024
Attorney General Merrick Garland
On the day of the Club Q shooter’s sentencing, the top brass at Biden’s Justice Department delivered a diatribe of buzzwordy proportions against all apparent domestic threats to gays, “transgenders,” and everything else in between and beyond.
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June 12th, 2024
Transgender rights supporters protest in London
President Joe Biden has done more to promote transgender ideology than any president, ever. A scroll through the White House archives shows statement after statement, proclamation after proclamation, speech after speech, in which the president praises what he calls the “extraordinary courage and contributions” of transgender people.
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June 3rd, 2024
TX Gov Abbott at press conference
Nearly half of the states have passed legislation restricting or banning what’s referred to as “gender-affirming care” for minors. Most of those laws have been challenged in court, with some judges upholding the bans, while others have blocked them.
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June 3rd, 2024
Jordan-Campbell-headshot – November 23, 2023 In all of the controversy around gender transition, there is one group that is persistently marginalized by both the right and left. They are known as detransitioners — people who decide that they want to return to their birth gender, often after receiving years of interventional care, including surgery, to treat their gender dysphoria. Now,...
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May 24th, 2024
The Biden administration’s Title IX rule, which the Education Department published on April 29, is a looming disaster for women and girls.
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May 24th, 2024
CVS-Robyn Strader
Robyn Strader—a nurse practitioner with multiple, advanced degrees—was fired from CVS Health Corporation after CVS had accommodated her religious beliefs without issue for six and a half years. Why? Because CVS wants to force its employees to prescribe contraception even when it violates the employee’s religious beliefs.  
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April 26th, 2024
Biden speaks at campaign rally
What the Biden administration is doing to the Title IX civil rights law, the purpose of which is, among other things, to ensure equality between men’s and women’s sports, reminds me of a childhood game.
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April 22nd, 2024
blue jean person holds rainbow gay flag
Several media outlets deliberately left out key details about a would-be school shooter. Earlier this week, Maryland police officers arrested 18-year-old Andrea Ye who was accused of plotting to shoot up a high school.
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April 12th, 2024
European crosswalk painted with transflag stripes
By: The Editorial Board – – April 10, 2023 The Cass Review shows wisdom and humility on treatment of young people, in contrast to the ideological conformity in U.S. medical associations. American progressives love to say the United States should be more like Europe, and for once we agree. European countries are making important progress in one of the...
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