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1776 Commission

The 1776 Commission's Report
Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

The 1776 Commission issued a report that summarizes “the principles of the American founding and how those principles have shaped our country.” Unfortunately, that will be its only report. In his first few hours in office, President Joe Biden disbanded the commission with an executive order.

Compared to his other executive orders that killed the Keystone Pipeline, stopped construction of the wall, and promoted transgenderism, this action might not seem that significant. But it shows how radical he and his administration view this nation and its founding. They seem to be siding with the New York Times “1619 Project” that argues that America was founded as a “slaveocracy” and that the American Revolution was fought primarily to perpetuate the institution of slavery.

Victor Davis Hanson (who served on the commission) noted that in “any other age than the divisive present, the report would not have been seen as controversial.” The conclusions were unanimously approved by a group that included historians, lawyers, academics, scholars, authors, and public servants. I have had the privilege of interviewing many of these men and women over the years.

Mike Sabo said that the 1776 Commission report was “appealing to both human reason and biblical revelation – for example, the Declaration’s references to the Creator, Providence, and the Supreme Judge.” It also calls for families to raise “morally responsible citizens who love America and embrace the gifts and responsibilities of freedom and self-government.”

In a previous time, this report would not be controversial, and no president would even think of dissolving such a commission. The executive order signed by President Joe Biden on his first day in office shows what he thinks of this nation and its founding.viewpoints new web version

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