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Caitlyn Jenner

If there were ever a modern-day version of The Emperor Has New Clothes, the Bruce/oh-I-mean-Caitlyn Jenner story is it. The freak show that is Bruce Jenner’s protracted coming-out party is making some otherwise-smart people look pretty silly.

Caitlyn Jenner has made a well-orchestrated debut. And what a story! A former college football player and Olympic gold medalist. A reality-show success. But apparently he’s struggled with this nagging awareness that he is really a she.

One has to wonder how much of Caitlyn Jenner’s reveal is a publicity stunt and a money grab. Former transgender Walt Heyer said, “I could not help seeing the humor in using a magazine called, Vanity Fair.”

The liberal media has celebrated Jenner. So have some politicians. President Obama said: ”It takes courage to share your story.”

Even conservative presidential candidate Rick Santorum said,  “If he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman.” Later he explained, saying “It was an attempt to deflect and focus on the principle of loving everyone.”

We’d all like to “deflect.” It’s impossible to ignore this. Caitlyn Jenner and her publicists have made it so. So how to deal with the Jenner matter?

We’ve got to realize, people who condemn the whole idea of a person claiming a different gender will be seen as hateful. Especially conservative politicians who do this.

U.S. Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan and now-talk show host Bill Bennett says, “People feel like they’re under siege and that the terms of the debate are now you either applaud it or you’re a bigot. It’s like the American culture is being dragged kicking and screaming not only toward acceptance but approval.”

Politicians might like to ignore the story. They can’t because there’s a transgender political agenda they’re going to be forced to talk about. Really, Republicans have a perfect opportunity to appeal to their base and beyond on this. If they don’t they’ll lose sane Americans.

Each political party claims to be the party of science. On the Jenner matter, the biology is clear:  he’s still a man.

Here’s the truth – both scientific and biblical. It’s in Genesis and repeated in Matthew 19:5 where Christ says: “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female….?” It’s Satan who sows doubt into the mind. He asks, ‘Did God really say that?’

So our truth-telling regarding the Bruce Jenner story and the transgender agenda is biblically and scientifically sound. What about compassion for the restless soul of someone who has obtained so much worldly success, but is so dissatisfied with the hand he’s been dealt in life?

Peer-reviewed studies show, people who have had “gender reassignment” surgery are 20 times more likely to commit suicide than the general public.

Believing saint, we’d better be clear about it. The Bruce Jenners of the world are to be pitied and prayed for. And helped, not admired.


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