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The Virtue of Color-Blindness
Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

Most Americans believe we should have a color-blind society. That was the direction the country was moving until a few anti-color-blind advocates promoted antiracism and critical race theory.

Professor Andre Archie has written about The Virtue of Color-Blindness. He reminds us that the Declaration and the Constitution rest upon the idea that all are created equal. That includes all Americans, regardless of race. In the 1850s, the Frederick Douglass wing of the abolition movement made their case for a color-blind reading of America’s founding documents.

Today there are advocates that highlight racial and cultural differences, which divide this country further. Andre Archie argues that this type of alienation has its roots in a hatred of this country. He uses a term coined by Roger Scruton that illustrates this alienation. It is oikophobia, which is a combination of two Greek words: oikos means home and phobia means fear.

People who suffer from this hate their host country. This attitude has been facilitated by the Left and by these so-called antiracists. The success of a white person is due to systemic racism. And the lack of achievement by a black person is due to discrimination and systemic racism. He explains that this view stokes racial consciousness and thus, resentment.

He also is surprised that his fellow African Americans aren’t more confident. They are some of the oldest Americans. They had a cultural presence in America since its colonial period and should feel proud and patriotic.

His book reminds us of the foundational principles of this republic and illustrates why we need to return to them.viewpoints new web version

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