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“Marital Clash”

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As Congress considers the deceptively-named Respect for Marriage Act, we must ask ourselves whether our laws and policies should be based upon declared identity or on biological sex.

Why not enshrine demands for transgender affirmation and homosexual marriage into law?

We can argue the biology: The words man and woman do, in fact, mean something.

In his article entitled “Marital Clash,” National Review’s John McCormack explains that “Just as the definition of ‘woman’ is necessarily exclusive (‘adult human female’), likewise the definition of ‘marriage’ is necessarily exclusive, (‘one man and one woman’).” States were weighing in on whether or not to embrace that definition until the U.S. Supreme Court, in its 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision, cut the debate short, ruling that every state must recognize same-sex marriage. The House — including 47 Republicans — recently voted to codify that decision.

We can also argue harms. Policies that affirm and encourage transgenderism are harmful, as officials in the United Kingdom are beginning to acknowledge. Mr. McCormack writes that redefining marriage in law would mean “society and children would be worse off.” But, he says, the argument that same-sex couples and gay individuals would be harmed should they be excluded from marriage “seemed more compelling and concrete.”

Many Americans are not convinced.

John McCormack points out, that “no thanks to the government, there are those who have held fast to the older view of marriage, bucking every cultural trend. These social and religious conservatives who continue to marry young, without living together first, are vindicated by their marital-success rate.”

Clement of Alexandria lived in the second and third centuries. He said, “Marriage is more than human. It is a miniature kingdom, which is the little house of the Lord.”

Saint John Chrysostom wrote “When a husband and wife are united in marriage, they no longer seem like something earthly, but rather like the image of God Himself.”

The real harm comes when an arrogant society ignores these things.penna's vp small

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