Kerby Anderson
Research shows that Americans have less and less in common with each other. But there is a problem that the majority of Americans share: knowing what to believe.
In 2019, Pew Research Center found that 64 percent of Americans have a hard time discerning truth when listening to elected officials. Eight-in-ten Americans believe Republicans and Democrats disagree about basic facts. The inability of both parties to agree on basic facts seems to be one of the only things the parties do agree on.
A significant reason for this widespread distrust and confusion is the fact that fewer and fewer Americans share a common moral code. Increasing numbers of people in our nation are abandoning the Bible as the source of moral truth.
Here’s a disturbing statistic: 58 percent of American adults believe individuals, not God, decide what is morally true, according to research led by Dr. George Barna. This problem is only growing worse among younger Americans. Twenty-four percent of Gen Z (those born after 1998) believe morality changes over time, based on society. We are already seeing the chaotic effects of a “morality” determined by society’s whims.
Trusting in an unchanging Source of absolute moral truth is more than a spiritual comfort. It provides clarity and confidence for navigating all of life’s issues that we face every day. When we stand solidly on God’s Word, we can help others around us navigate any issues they may be facing.
If you know people who need moral clarity in their lives, or if you want to access more resources that discuss relevant topics through a biblical lens, I encourage you to visit