Recent Viewpoints

September 12, 2019
DNA molecule - research

Kerby Anderson Two weeks ago, the largest study of the genetic basis of sexuality was published in Science. Based on the genomes of nearly 500,000 people, the research concluded that there was no “gay gene.” But you wouldn’t know that from some of the headlines. Associated Press proclaimed that “New Genetic Links to Same-Sex Sexuality Found in Huge Study.” The Washington Post was a little less spectacular: “There’s No One Gay Gene, but Genetics Are Linked to Same-Sex Behavior.” Fortunately, you…

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September 11, 2019
no electoral college - map

Kerby Anderson Yesterday I talked about judicial rulings that could affect the outcome of the Electoral College vote in 2020. While those cases make their way through the courts, the attack on the Electoral College continues in the media. Perhaps you have seen the video produced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that shows lots of empty farmland. Her voice over proclaims with sarcasm: “Many votes here, you can see.” She also argues that the Electoral College is racist and provides an advantage…

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September 10, 2019
electoral college map - 2016

Kerby Anderson The Electoral College has become a controversial issue in the last two decades. But a recent federal court ruling could make it even more controversial. Judges in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that presidential electors do not have to follow the results of the popular vote in their states. Some worry that a single elector could decide the outcome of a presidential election in a close election. The decision was a victory for one Colorado elector…

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September 9, 2019
Blaine Adamson

Kerby Anderson Some court cases can be complex and convoluted. This isn’t one of them. The Kentucky Supreme Court heard oral arguments for the case of Blaine Adamson. He is the print shop owner who declined to print shirts with a message promoting the gay pride festival but offered to connect the local group to another printer. Before you jump to the conclusion that his decision is merely another religious liberty versus LGBTQ issue, consider other shirts he declined to…

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September 6, 2019
New Zealand powerlifter Laurel Hubbard

Penna Dexter New Zealand powerlifter Laurel Hubbard recently took two gold medals and one silver in women’s heavyweight categories at the Pacific Games in Samoa. Laurel is one of a growing number of male athletes competing, and — unsurprisingly — dominating and setting records in women’s sports. Hubbard is now looking to compete at next year’s Tokyo Olympics. The International Olympic Committee requires that transgender men desiring to compete in the women’s division of a sport meet certain requirements, including…

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September 6, 2019
wolf in sheeps clothing

Kerby Anderson Michael Youssef warns us that we face both external threats and internal threats in his book, The Hidden Enemy. We face an external threat from radical, political Islam. That does not mean that all Muslims are enemies. He has great concern and passion for Muslims, having been born in Egypt. His broadcasts go into Muslim countries to proclaim the gospel. But he is well aware that radical Muslims want to sweep away Western civilization and impose a global…

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September 5, 2019
Opioid Crisis

Kerby Anderson The opioid crisis is getting worse, but there is also good evidence that solving this crisis will require careful strategies because the problem is more complex than many might imagine. First, let’s look at the crisis. Americans are showing up in emergency rooms from opioid overdoses in record numbers. According to the CDC, suspected opioid overdoses increased by 30 percent from July 2016 to September 2017. But as soon as you look at the statistics in various states,…

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September 4, 2019

Kerby Anderson Teenagers are sending sexually explicit images and videos to each other at an alarming rate. That is the conclusion of a study posted recently in the journal Pediatrics. The journal article, “Prevalence of Multiple Forms of Sexting Behavior Among Youth,” is a meta-analysis of 39 worldwide studies that included 110,380 participants. They found that sexting is more common than most parents would even imagine. The studies focused on teens between the ages of 12 and 17. The researchers…

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September 3, 2019

Kerby Anderson Are boys in America broken? Many certainly are. We see them in our prisons, on the streets, and in news stories about domestic abuse or even school shootings. That is why Michael Ian Black wrote an op-ed with the title, “The Boys Are Not All Right.” His commentary surfaced lots of emotions, criticisms, and profanity from people who read what he had to say. At the outset, let me say that though I agree with much of his…

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September 2, 2019
work-pottery Col 3-23

Kerby Anderson Today is Labor Day. Although this day was set aside to honor trade and labor organizations, I believe it is a day when Christians can also consider how they view work and labor. The Bible has quite a bit to say about how we are to view work, and so I devote part of a chapter in my book Making the Most of Your Money to a biblical view of work. First, we are to work unto the Lord…

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August 30, 2019
Greenland - Map

Penna Dexter The idea that the United States might purchase Greenland has been called “comical,” “imperialistic,” even “unthinkable” since President Trump floated it a couple of weeks ago. Greenland is part of Denmark and the Danish Prime Minister found the idea “absurd.” Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen points out some of the advantages this purchase could bring. We don’t need a military base in Greenland, we already have one, Thule Air Force Base, the US Air Force’s northernmost facility. But…

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