Recent Viewpoints

May 19, 2017

Penna Dexter In her capacity as “First Daughter,” and before she took an official position at the White House, Ivanka Trump organized a meeting with Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood. Since congress was considering proposals to defund Planned Parenthood, by far the nation’s largest abortion provider, Ivanka wanted to learn more. Planned Parenthood’s executive Vice President, Dawn Laguens told reporters, that in this meeting, Cecile Richards had hoped to “make sure that Ivanka fully understood what Planned Parenthood does,…

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May 19, 2017

Kerby Anderson Seth Shostak believes this could be humanity’s last century. But don’t think he is a pessimist. He is the Director of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence and warns us about potential dangers on the horizon but also explains that our 21st century technology holds great promise. He believes we will be able to understand biology at the molecular level. That will give humanity the ability to cure all diseases. But it will also usher in an era of…

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May 18, 2017

Kerby Anderson Whether you are a Christian or not, you are benefiting from the positive impact of Christianity on your life. That is the premise of the book by Dr. Rodney Stark. Although I have interviewed Professor Stark on many of his books, I was unaware of his book, America’s Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone Including Atheists. Jerry Newcombe brought his book to my attention in a recent column. This book is a natural one for the professor to write…

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May 17, 2017

Kerby Anderson Joel Rosenberg was on my radio program to talk about his novel, The First Hostage. We didn’t spend too much time talking about his book, but instead focused on the phenomenon of apocalyptic Islam. Let me explain what that is. There is both radical Islam as well as apocalyptic Islam. The vast majority of Muslims did not fit into either category. According to some reliable polls only about 10 percent of the 1.6 billion Muslims subscribe to the…

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May 16, 2017

Kerby Anderson Dr. Everett Piper is the President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University and recently wrote to plead with his “colleagues to stand firm for the academy’s millennia-old commitment to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of inquiry, and freedom of thought.” This was a needed commentary for universities that implement “speech codes,” organize “safe spaces,” and allow students and activists to shut down speeches. He goes on the explain that the “answer to the riots and rebellions that Berkeley…

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May 15, 2017

Kerby Anderson When Bret Stephens wrote his first column to the New York Times last month, he caused quite a stir. If writing a column could be compared to a football game, Stephens was a smart quarterback who caused the opposition to jump offsides. The title of the column was: The Climate of Certainty. He began by reminding us that most pundits were certain that Hillary Clinton would be our next president. He also reminded us that the campaign placed…

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May 12, 2017

Penna Dexter A couple of weeks ago there was an event at the White House honoring Israel on its 69th Independence Day. Vice President Mike Pence gave what has been described as “a stirring tribute” to this nation which has traditionally enjoyed close ties with the United States. It’s nice to see the US acting like a friend and ally to Israel again, something we saw little of during the previous administration. Then, last week, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas came…

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May 12, 2017

Kerby Anderson Dennis Prager has been making the case that the chasm between the left and the rest of the country is so unbridgeable that it should be described as a Second Civil War. He usually adds that, “unlike the First Civil War, this war is not violent.” Now he is even removing that disclaimer. He now believes violence is coming. In once sense you could say that violence is already here. He reminds us that, “Left-wing thugs engage in…

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May 11, 2017

Kerby Anderson Members of Congress who are currently resisting attempts to reform the tax code and reduce regulations should look at the recent Index of Economic Freedom. The United States has the lowest ranking ever in this index. For years, the U.S. was in the top ten. Now it sits at number 17. Countries with a higher ranking include Hong Kong, New Zealand, Switzerland, Estonia, Australia, Chile, and Canada. Three of the many reasons for America’s decline in economic freedom…

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May 10, 2017

Kerby Anderson President Trump has been working to block the regulatory tidal wave that has been crashing on the shores of small businesses over the last decade. The last year President Obama was in office, his administration issued 3,853 final rules. This was the most in the last 11 years. To put all of this in perspective, consider that federal agencies issue 18 rules and regulations for every law approved by Congress. President Trump has used two strategies to reduce…

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May 9, 2017

Kerby Anderson During our Millennial Round Table discussion on radio, one of the co-hosts noticed on his phone that ESPN was laying off 100 people. At the time, I thought there were probably at least two reasons for this executive decision. First, millennials aren’t as likely to watch ESPN since they feel they can get anything they need for free from the Internet. And second, many people have turned off ESPN because their left-wing politics is turning them off. These…

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