A new book by Johnnie Moore reminds us why we should be concerned about the possibility that agents of ISIS will strike America. The title of his book explains his concern: Defying ISIS: Preserving Christianity in the Place of Its Birth and in Your Own Backyard. He not only documents the unspeakable terror at the hands of ISIS, but also explains how ISIS uses the Internet to recruit and train potential terrorists that don’t even have to leave their home…

Recent Viewpoints
Yesterday I talked about how legalizing same sex marriage could affect churches and Christian organizations. A Supreme Court ruling in favor of so-called “gay marriage” would have a negative impact on the religious liberty of these organizations and on Christians in general. It would also redefine marriage. Justice Samuel Alito asked the lead counsel in the case whether granting two people of the same sex the right to marry would lead to other marital arrangements. Here is how he put…
Should churches and Christian organizations be concerned if the Supreme Court legalizes same sex marriage? You can answer that question with the phrase: It is going to be an issue. Those are the words of the Solicitor General Donald Verrili. During the oral arguments on the same sex marriage case, the question of how this would affect religious institutions was raised numerous times. At one point, the lead counsel in the case tried to assure the justices that declaring a…
A recent edition of the Washington Times reports, “The Marine Corps’ historic experiment to allow women to take part in its Infantry Officer Course ended with zero graduates.” The Marines’ experiment began about two years ago. Twenty-nine women volunteered. Only four survived the course beyond the first day. The last two washed out on April 2nd of this year. The Marine Corps and the Army have been conducting extensive research and experiments to test the prospects for women to serve…
In many of his books, Dr. Tim Elmore argues that this emerging generation is different in many ways from previous generations due to a range of factors. He was on my radio program recently to talk about his book Artificial Maturity and explained why this generation is different. Education is one reason. As students have been pressed into age-graded groups, they now interact mostly with peers. “The church followed suit with its programming. Social silos were the result. The downward…
The American family is in decline. But sometimes it is hard to see how far we have come because the changes are often subtle and incremental. Each generation comes into the world already taking as a baseline changes that occurred before they arrived. Perhaps the best way to document the decline of the family is to compare where we are today to where we were in 1960. Back then more than nine out of ten U.S. households with children had…
As presidential and congressional campaigns heat up, we are certain to hear more about the disparity between the 99 percent and the one percent. During the Occupy Wall Street protests, we heard the constant cry: “We are the 99 percent.” We will no doubt hear about the growing wealth gap between the mass of America and the few super-rich who own more than 40 percent of the nation’s wealth. While that discussion and debate is worth having, it is also…
You may have heard the story about Dan Price, the founder of Gravity Payments. He decided that the minimum wage for his company would be $70,000. To put it mildly, the people in his business were very excited. He read an article on happiness that documented how, for people who earn less than about $70,000, extra money makes a big difference. And he noticed that some of his employees were struggling from paycheck to paycheck. He decided to cut his…
In his Earth Day proclamation President Obama stated: “Today our planet faces new challenges, but none poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.” Such a convenient word the environmental left has us all using. Of course the climate is changing. It’s the height of human arrogance to think we can stop it. Climate change is a fact, not a threat. But, for the Left it’s become an organizing principle for manipulating human action. Hence the warning: ‘the…
Moore’s Law turns 50 years old this week. If you are unsure of what Moore’s Law is, let me explain. Back in the early 1960s, integrated circuits were coming on the scene but were very expensive. Some commentators believed they would be of limited use because of their size and expense. A physical chemist by the name of Gordon Moore saw a much different future. In his article in Electronics Magazine he extrapolated a few data points and made a…
If a celebrity couple separates, should the couple’s frozen embryos be destroyed or put up for adoption? That is the question surrounding the actress Sofia Vergara. She is best known for her role in the TV program Modern Family or for her furniture commercials. She is now in the spotlight over a bioethics issue. She and her ex Nick Loeb have two frozen embryos that were created when they were still in a relationship. They aren’t in a relationship now,…