Recent Viewpoints

March 2, 2015

Last week the issue of wage equity was in the news. First, it was the Oscar speech by Patricia Arquette that seemed to come out of nowhere. She said that it’s “time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women in the United States of America.” This was followed by an investigative story that reminded future voters that the women in Senator Hillary Clinton’s office were paid less than the men working in her office….

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February 27, 2015

A new study of United States Census data shows that 30.3 percent of millennials, young adults ages 18-34, are still living with their parents. The report is called “Young Adults: Then and Now.” It pulls together Census numbers showing that, since 1980, the slice of the population in this age group that still lived with their parents hovered around 22 to 24 percent. But, between 2009 and 2013 the percentage of millennials still living at home shot up and is…

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February 27, 2015

Americans have been watching the influence of Islam in Europe and in the Middle East and wonder what might happen in this country. One way to consider the potential influence of Islam is to look at the book by Peter Hammond, Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam. Most people have never read the book, but they probably have seen in an email one of the most quoted parts of the book. He argues that when the Muslim population is under 2 percent…

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February 26, 2015

In many ways the culture is turning against Christian values, and that is why all of us who call ourselves Christians needs to demonstrate to the watching world the truthfulness of the gospel. We can do that both with our words and with our works. Sociologist Rodney Stark in his book, The Rise of Christianity, said: “Christianity revitalized life in Greco-Roman cities by providing new norms and new kinds of social relationships able to cope with many urgent urban problems….

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February 25, 2015

During Black History Month, we need to look back 50 years to a report that accurately predicted where we are today. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was working as an assistant secretary in President Lyndon Johnson’s Labor Department. His report documented and predicted troubling family trends among inner city blacks because of the increasing number of fatherless homes. In a recent op-ed, Jason Riley says that these warnings 50 years ago have come true. He then asks, “Will liberals ever forgive him?”…

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February 24, 2015

Do our rights come from man or do they come from God? In a contentious interview with Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, CNN host Chris Cuomo told the judge that: “Our laws do not come from God, your honor, and you know that. They come from man.” He went on to argue: “Our rights do not come from God.” These statements would certainly surprise and dismay the founders of the country and the framers of our government. The Declaration…

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February 23, 2015

Ajit Pai has been a busy FCC Commissioner lately. He has been on various talk shows warning listeners about proposed regulations for the Internet. While this may sound like an insignificant issue created by government bureaucrats, pay attention for another minute because it will affect you. The FCC will vote later this week on Net Neutrality rules that the public hasn’t even seen yet. I can understand why your eyes might glaze over when you hear about such rules. That…

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February 20, 2015

Valentine’s Day brings thoughts of love and marriage and sweet things to eat. This Valentines Day a business that is all about those things got some very bad news. Aaron and Melissa Klein own Sweet Cakes Bakery — well, at least they had a bakery. It was located on the edge of downtown Gresham, Oregon. They specialize in wedding cakes — well, at least they did until the gay marriage Gestapo came after them. The backstory is that Melissa Klein…

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February 20, 2015

If two is company, then certainly three parents are a crowd. That is how some are describing the decision by the British House of Commons that voted to legalize the creation of a baby using the DNA of three parents. The controversial practice is being touted as a way to create children without certain genetic diseases. But much more is going on behind the scenes. Remember what Dr. Frankenstein said before his fictional experiment? “What could possibly go wrong?” The…

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February 19, 2015

It was bound to happen sooner or later. You may remember the sad story of Jack Phillips in Colorado at Masterpiece Cakeshop who declined to bake a wedding cake for two homosexuals. The court ruled he unlawfully discriminated against the gay couple by refusing to sell them a wedding cake. Now that state will have to rule on another case with the opposite set of circumstances. A customer came into Majorie Silva’s bakery and ordered a cake with two men…

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February 18, 2015

The last few years have not been good for middle class households. Since 2007 we have seen a decline in median household income and income growth. Middle class Americans have been the backbone of the country, but this backbone is feeling stress fractures from various economic pressures. Middle class families are facing soaring colleges costs. While the median household income dropped about approximately $5,000 in the last seven years, the price of a college education rose by more than seven…

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