Recent Viewpoints

March 19, 2024
Black on Black Crime - 90% of Homicides

Kerby Anderson Crime costs both victims and society a great deal. Several years ago, Walter Williams wrote about the “Unappreciated Crime Costs” that especially hit black residents in low-income neighborhoods. His commentary is even more relevant today. Thousands of black Americans are murdered each year in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, and Philadelphia. He documented that over 90 percent of the time the perpetrator was also black. Crime also imposes a hefty tax on people in these neighborhoods,…

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March 18, 2024
Century Tower and Auditorium, University of Florida in Gainesville

Kerby Anderson What is happening at the University of Florida might be spreading to other universities. Earlier this month, the university announced that it was ending its experiment with DEI, which stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The college closed the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer and eliminated DEI positions, thereby saving more than $5 million each year on the controversial program. DEI is dying in Florida because of the Florida governor and the actions of the Florida legislature,…

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March 15, 2024
cvs and walgreens signs

Penna Dexter The nation’s two largest pharmacy chains, CVS and Walgreens, are about to start filling prescriptions for the abortion pill, mifepristone, in states where it is legally allowed. Since restrictions on prescribing the drug through telemedicine have been lifted, the reckless practice of providing abortion drugs through the mail has exploded. The availability of mifepristone at drug stores will increase the ease of getting an abortion with no doctor or nurse present. In excruciating pain, the mother will expel…

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March 15, 2024
Pro ALA bookshopt with BLM signs in window

Kerby Anderson You may have noticed that the American Library Association and even your local library has become quite political. Perhaps the best way to illustrate that is to tell the story of Ron Kelley, an ALA member. In the summer of 2020, the American Library Association encouraged its members to support Black Lives Matter. Ron Kelley expressed his concern in an email that he believed that promoting a political organization was “extremely unwise.” He also wondered why the ALA…

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March 14, 2024
Money Pit - spirals

Kerby Anderson One of the rallying cries during the American Revolution was, “No taxation without representation.” If the founders thought taxation without representation was bad, they should see what taxation with representation looks like. That is one of the reasons John Stossel wrote about “Taxation Without Reason.” Our income tax forms are due in a few weeks. He says he feels like he must hire an accountant because Congress keeps adding to the tax code. He picks just a few…

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March 13, 2024
Live Births and Deaths of Japan

Kerby Anderson An article in Barrons two weeks ago reported that births in Japan dropped to a new low last year. The country recorded more than twice as many deaths as new babies. Marriages are at the lowest level since 1933. The sobering numbers highlight the dramatic challenges facing the nation of Japan. It may have the world’s fourth-biggest economy in the world, but it is dying a slow death. And there are healthcare shortages for the significant number of…

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March 12, 2024
rising grocery food costs

Kerby Anderson We keep hearing that inflation is down, but it doesn’t seem like it when we go to the grocery store or take our family out to eat. You get the bill and wonder if our mental math is correct. The bill can’t be that much. No, you are not imagining food inflation. Two writers for the Wall Street Journal ran the numbers and concluded that Americans are spending a higher percentage on food than any time in the…

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March 11, 2024
CBP graph of Illegal Immigrant encounters

Kerby Anderson Immigration is the major problem facing this country according to the most recent Gallup polls. The pollsters asked, “What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?” Immigration was the first problem listed, even outdistancing inflation and the economy. On my radio program, one guest asked me if I could ever remember a time when the issue of immigration rated as high as it does now. I never have seen it rated so high…

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March 8, 2024
Mid Vermont Christian School

Penna Dexter A Christian high school girls’ basketball team forfeited a playoff game last year because a transgender student, a biological boy, was playing on the opposing team. Now the Vermont Principals’ Association says the team will not be allowed to participate in future tournaments. FOX NEWS reports that “Chris Goodwin, who coaches at Mid-Vermont Christian School, said he was notified of the transgender player on the other team, but it wasn’t until the playoffs last year that his team…

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March 8, 2024
Homeless on the streets

Kerby Anderson John Stossel says the problem is “bad laws.” Rafael Mangual describes it as the “overcriminalization of America.” Both are talking about the same problem and teamed up to produce a video that highlights an issue that needs to be addressed. To put it simply, we have too many laws on the books, many of which are outdated and need to be removed. For example, there is a law in South Carolina that bans 18-year-olds from playing pinball. Taking…

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March 7, 2024
birth-dearth low birth rate

Kerby Anderson Members of a very popular South Korean boy band were denied draft exemptions even though it would reduce revenue to the country. Why? Because there aren’t enough boys available to serve in the military. Lyman Stone uses this illustration to highlight the extremely low birth rate in South Korea. But that country is just one of many examples of what has become a global birth dearth. Fertility rates have been declining in all the developed countries of the…

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