Recent Viewpoints

August 11, 2023
Graph - Global Burning since 2000

Kerby Anderson The “world is on fire.” That is the repeated claim of environmental activists who claim that fires are increasing worldwide due to climate change. But is that statement true? Satellites have (for more than two decades) been recording fires on the surface of this planet. We know more about the global phenomenon than ever before. Bjorn Lomborg reminds us that the “data are unequivocal: Since the early 2000s, when 3 percent of the world’s land caught fire, the…

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August 10, 2023
Anti-Life Protesters will burn it all down

Kerby Anderson An increasing number of Americans believe that “force [is] justified to restore abortion rights.” A survey from the University of Chicago’s Project on Security and Threats found that the percentage of Democrats willing to use violence to promote abortion rose from 8 percent to 16 percent since January. Put another way, that means that 31 million Americans support the use of violence to reinstate pro-abortion laws. Ben Johnson, writing about this in the Washington Stand, reminds us that…

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August 9, 2023
Professor Johnson Varkey fired for teaching Biology

Kerby Anderson Can you be fired for teaching basic biology? That seems to be the case with Professor Johnson Varkey who was fired for “teaching standard principles about human biology and reproduction.” First Liberty Institute is defending him and has filed a complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) naming St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas. On my radio program, we talked with several of the lawyers from First Liberty about the case. The professor has taught…

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August 8, 2023
Free Speech Matters!

Kerby Anderson The latest survey done by Pew Research documents that most Americans don’t care about free speech. The share of US adults who say the federal government should restrict false information rose from one-third (38%) in 2018 to more than a majority (55%) this year. If you dig into the demographics of the survey, you also find that Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (70%) are much more likely than Republicans and Republican-leaners (38%) to support the US government restricting information…

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August 7, 2023
Sen Marco Rubio Speaks

Kerby Anderson In his new book, Decades of Decadence, Senator Marco Rubio exposes the attacks on four key elements of American strength: good local jobs, stable families, geographical communities, and a sovereign nation that serves as a beacon of freedom and prosperity. He begins his book by talking about an article published in National Interest when he was getting ready for college. Francis Fukuyama wrote about “The End of History” and predicted a future global order where there were no…

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August 4, 2023
pixelted teen face - depressed detransition

Penna Dexter It’s hard to know the rate at which people who obtain gender transition surgeries ultimately seek to detransition. The detransition rate has hovered at around two percent. But two trans academics, Daniela Valdes and Kinnon MacKinnon, point out that “older studies may not adequately predict outcomes for today’s far larger, more diverse trans and gender-questioning population.” In their article in The Atlantic entitled, “Take Detransitioners Seriously,” the two researchers argue that detransitioning is not “a negligible issue.” We…

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August 4, 2023
St. Patricks Cathedral NYC - sm

Kerby Anderson Tim Busch begins his commentary with this quote: “We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or to the Catholic Church or anything like that.” He then asks, who said this? Not an atheist. Not a defender of the separation of church and state. Not even a member of another religion. It was spoken by a leader in the Catholic church. No matter what your denominational background (Catholic, Protestant, etc.), you can probably see the issue….

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August 3, 2023

Kerby Anderson You could say that William Shatner is the most famous astronaut in the world. Until recently, he was not a real astronaut. But he is best known for playing Captain Kirk in the Star Trek TV series and movies. Last year he did go into space. And it had such an impact that he started crying and now has written about it in his memoir, Boldly Go. At age 90, he had a life-changing experience by going into…

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August 2, 2023
work from home vs work from office

Kerby Anderson The business world is seeing a reverse migration from Zoom to the conference room. Employees may love working from home, but there is growing evidence that productivity drops when people work from their dining table or home office. We all know the benefits of remote working. You spend less time commuting. You can take a short nap or a mid-morning run. You can fit in several commitments from carpool to doctor’s appointments. During the pandemic and lockdowns, a…

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August 1, 2023
Disarming Disinformation: Our Shared Responsibility

Kerby Anderson If you go to the State Department website, you will find the Bureau for Global Engagement Center. The section on “Disarming Disinformation: Our Shared Responsibility” has this quote from President Biden. “There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit. And each of us has a duty and responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders – leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation — to defend…

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July 31, 2023
Chevron Doctrine

Kerby Anderson The last five decades have been marked by judicial overreach. But we are now seeing judicial activism replaced by judicial restraint. Before the Supreme Court adjourned for the summer, it delivered four opinions on religious liberty (Groff v. DeJoy), free speech (303 Creative v. Elenis), racial preferences in college applications (Fair Admissions v. Harvard), and student debt cancellation (Biden v. Nebraska). You might now ask: what is next? Senator Ted Cruz has been building a coalition of lawmakers…

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