Recent Viewpoints

September 22, 2022
kids in school on cellphones

Kerby Anderson Many economists are talking about an impending debt crisis. They also feel it is hard to get our attention since the US has been in debt for years. But what is on the horizon is unprecedented. If you look at total public and private debt, it is 370 percent of GDP. Economic research concludes that when this debt load exceeds 300 percent, problems begin to develop in the economy. We may not have a crash (though many are…

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September 21, 2022
pistol & hand on wooden table

Kerby Anderson When the New York gun control law went into effect earlier this month, two politicians made some statements that deserve some rebuttal. New York Governor Kathy Hochul claimed, “This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn’t hold up. And the data bears this out, so that theory is over.” At the same press conference, New York City Mayor Eric Adams implied that more concealed carry permits…

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September 20, 2022
kids in school on cellphones

Kerby Anderson Once students were back in school, Jeremy Adams decided to write a five-part series that proposed ideas for fixing American education. What I found so surprising was how many of his ideas had less to do with teachers and the classroom. For example, his first idea was to “ban cell phones in class once and for all.” When he was a guest on a radio program recently, he described what he called “one of the seismic changes to…

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September 19, 2022
Australia's Great Barrier Reef near Airlie Beach, Queensland

Kerby Anderson It is tempting to believe that life on earth is getting worse each day. The news media will highlight one catastrophe after another. But environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg says that the “inconvenient truth” is that there is quite a bit of good news about the environment. Weather disasters are in the news. The latest flood, storm, wildfire, or heat wave makes headlines and are routinely covered even in the local news. Yet the facts show that our world is…

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September 16, 2022

Penna Dexter In 2000, certain professional baseball teams began holding LGBT-themed “Pride Nights” which have promoted and financially supported LGBT non-profits. Over the past twenty years, 29 of the 30 Major League Baseball teams have hosted such events, with many doing so every year. The one holdout — the Texas Rangers — has refused to give in to shakedown efforts from some powerful LGBT charities. Kudos to my hometown team. The Rangers have so far resisted threats by LGBT activist…

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September 16, 2022
inflation graphic

Kerby Anderson At a time when we are experiencing significant inflation, Jeff Booth argues in his book, The Price of Tomorrow, that we should be seeing deflation. His argument is simple: Technology is deflationary. That is the nature of technology. Think of how much a flat-screen TV cost when it first hit the market. What does it cost today? One example he uses is his first cell phone (which was a Motorola 8000). “It had thirty minutes of talk time…

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September 15, 2022
Med Student working on Ipad tablet

Kerby Anderson The acronym DEI is found in business and the academy. It is now also being used in medical schools. DEI stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. A new report of the top medical schools’ documents that DEI is being used to weed out applicants who aren’t firmly within the latest woke metric. The nonprofit, Do No Harm, conducted an analysis of medical school application processes and concluded that these schools were raising an additional entry barrier on top…

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September 14, 2022
crowd of graduates diminishes

Kerby Anderson The other day I came across a shocking statistic. Lee Burdette Williams says, “About three million first-time college students will soon be arriving on campus—most of them coming directly from high school. About one million of them won’t make it through their first year or return as sophomores.” She concludes that “this attrition is financially and emotionally devastating for families” and it is also “destabilizing for colleges.” Why is this happening? Many of these departures are financial. Higher education…

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September 13, 2022
Broken college graphic image

Kerby Anderson “American higher education is the envy of the world, and it’s also failing our students on a massive scale.” This is how Senator Ben Sasse begins his informative article in The Atlantic with the hopeful title, “How to Really Fix Higher Ed.” He says, “Rather than wiping the slate clean on student debt, Washington should take a hard look at reforming a broken system.” He acknowledges that higher education in this country is a national treasure, but at the…

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September 12, 2022
college tuition vs inflation

Kerby Anderson As college students arrive on campus, they confront the “sticker shock” of college tuition. Although lots of comments have been made about President Biden’s plan for student loan debt forgiveness, the real problem has been the rising cost of college tuition. Notice two things are not said by the administration and by those who support student loan forgiveness. No one is saying that the decision won’t cost taxpayers very much. The University of Pennsylvania Wharton School concluded that…

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September 9, 2022
Listen to Mom

Penna Dexter In her new book, The Case Against the Sexual Revolution, British journalist Louise Perry employs facts, figures, human nature, and common sense to argue that the sexual revolution, and the “free sexual playing field” it gave rise to, have been terrible for women. Ms. Perry is not a religious conservative. She states: “It’s precisely because I’m a feminist that I’ve changed my mind on sexual liberalism.” Feminists told women that the availability of birth control and abortion meant…

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