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Social Justice Is Injustice

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Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

Matthew Solomson argues that “Social Justice Is Injustice.” His op-ed attempts to explain why we see so many young people supporting the terrorist actions of Hamas. They have been taught in school an inverted view of justice.

He reminds us that, “When federal judges take the oath of office, they say: “I will administer justice without respect to persons and do equal right to the poor and to the rich.” This is a biblical principle that is part of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Justice isn’t about power.

A person with great power could be a good or bad person depending on their actions. Likewise, a person with little power could also be good or bad depending on the circumstances. But that simple evaluation has been changed in the minds of the younger generation. Those in power are oppressors, and those without power are victims.

Does Israel have a right to fight against terrorists who commit atrocities? This involves a moral calculus. You must evaluate who acts virtuously and who acts viciously. He admits that: “Though no country is virtuous all the time, Israel seeks peace and in war doesn’t specifically target civilians. Israel holds no kidnapped babies, nor does it steal billions of dollars of foreign aid to build tunnels where terrorists can hide while using women and children as human shields.

It is time to speak plainly. Murdering innocent people is wrong. Supporting them and cheering them on is also wrong. There is no justification for the atrocities that were committed last month against innocent Jewish citizens.

An ideological approach to ethics that sees people as groups, tribes, and classes can blur the natural human reaction to evil. And that is why we see students attempting to justify what is unjustifiable. It fills the world with injustice.viewpoints new web version

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