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Social Media Advisory

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Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

The American Psychological Association released a health advisory on social media. In fact, the report offered ten recommendations that involve various forms of monitoring, training, and technical adaptations to blunt certain adverse effects of social media.

James Spencer from the D.L. Moody Center was on my program recently to talk about the advisory and also to broaden the discussion about the place of technological advancements in our society. We talked about everything from social media to artificial intelligence.

He is concerned that these technology platforms have become an inevitable part of modern life, even though we know the problems linked to them. His family has taken steps to limit social media (very similar to the APA advisory) and found that some of the negative influences remain.

He also reminded us that this advisory is more than a decade after all the significant changes in social media were already implemented. “Twitter released the retweet function (2009), Facebook added the comments feature (2008) and “like” button (2009), and Instagram launched as a stand-alone platform (2010).”

As a society, we have engaged in a social experiment. The current advisory is too little, too late. He then reminds us how fast AI is coming into our lives. ChatGPT reached 100 million users in 64 days. It took Twitter five years to reach 100 million users.

Once again, we are moving at an increased rate and engaging in a social experiment. This time the social experiment is with AI without knowing any of the consequences. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait another decade for an APA advisory on AI.

The obvious conclusion is for parents and grandparents to step into the lives of their children and grandchildren and limit these new technological advancements.viewpoints new web version

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