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Twitter and the FBI

FBI + Twitter
Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

The release of the Twitter Files over the last few weeks has provided enough evidence of a relationship between Twitter and the FBI. That is why Republicans in the House of Representatives want to investigate the matter.

As more information was released, the agency issued this statement: “The men and women of the FBI work every day to protect the American public. It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding the American public misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency.”

Jonathan Turley is a George Washington law school professor whom I have quoted in previous commentaries. He warned, “It is not clear what is more chilling: the menacing role played by the FBI in Twitter’s censorship program or its mendacious response to the disclosure of that role.”

He concluded with this observation: “There are some who would question whether ‘working every day to protect the American public’ should include censoring the public to protect it against errant or misleading ideas. There was a time when that was not a ‘conspiracy theory.’”

Michael Shellenberger is another person I have quoted in previous commentaries. He observed that the FBI “had Hunter Biden’s laptop since Dec. 2019” yet they “told Twitter that a “hack-and-leak involving Hunter may occur in Oct. 2020.” He also said it “was spying on Rudy Giuliani when he gave a copy of the laptop hard drive to the NY Post.” He, therefore, concluded, that “members of Congress should be extremely concerned that FBI is engaged in a cover-up.”

When two prominent liberals made such dramatic statements, it seems to me that there is more than enough evidence to justify a congressional investigation. viewpoints new web version

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