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What A Girl Wants? How About What Millennials Want, Christina A?

Millennials at work
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By: David Sparkman – mhlnews.com – January 16, 2018

Recent research finds some real surprises in how Millennials view themselves and their work, and this new knowledge could help employers manage them more effectively.

Principals at Deloitte Greenhouse Experience, the international consulting firm’s human resources management consulting and training unit, have developed a way of studying generations that they call Business Chemistry, described as a data-driven approach to understanding different work styles of Baby Boomers, Millennials and Gen Xers.

Based on research and surveys involving nearly 20,000 workers who are part of the three generations studied over the past four years, the Business Chemistry model is comprised of patterns of work preferences that define four different kinds of employee personalities. They are:

Pioneers, who are risk-takers described as being outgoing, detail-averse, spontaneous, risk-seeking, adaptable and imaginative.

Opposite to Pioneers are Guardians, defined as detail-oriented pragmatists who are considered methodical, reserved, detail-oriented, practical, structured and loyal.

Drivers are experimental competitors who are quantitative, logical, focused, competitive, experimental and deeply curious.

Integrators are Drivers’ opposites, seen as empathic diplomats who exhibit qualities that characterize good team players and who tend to be traditional, relationship-oriented dreamers, intrinsically motivated and non-confrontational.

The research shows that close to 60% of Millennials identify with two of the four primary Business Chemistry types. Guardians, detail-oriented pragmatists, comprise 32%; while Drivers, who focus on outcomes and goals, make up 27%.
Only 23% of the Millennials in the sample are Integrators, the type that values connection and draws teams together, and 18% represent Pioneers, the most blue-sky thinking, spontaneous type.

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Source: What Do Millennials Really Want?