People need to realize the Left is using the alleged “existential” threat of global warming to wage war against liberty, against the Western world’s (not China’s) economy, and against joy.
By: Matt Vespa – – December 19, 2023 When Joe Biden was inaugurated in January 2021 in a COVID-safe ceremony that no one watched, we were told that America was back and that the adults were back in charge. Like his presidency, it was a marinated lie. There are no adults—there is a nursing staff because Joe Biden doesn’t know…
By: Michael Segal – – December 18, 2023 Even support for Hamas’s Islamic supremacist ideology didn’t surprise anyone reading student newspapers. The most significant change in students’ moral philosophy in recent years has been the popularity of an identity-based ideology known as “intersectionality” that demands special privileges for all groups deemed oppressed. Intersectionality creates a pecking order with blacks,…
By: Chris Edwards – – December 18, 2023 Cutting federal aid to the states would reduce our national debt while improving governance. Federal debt is soaring to dangerous levels. Debt held by the public now tops $26 trillion, or $200,000 for every household in the nation. The debt relative to the size of the economy will soon hit an all-time…
By: Katie Pavlich – – December 15, 2023 During remarks at the White House this week, President Joe Biden made one of his most disingenuous claims yet against Republicans. “Congress needs to pass the supplemental funding for Ukraine before they break for the holiday recess — before they give Putin the greatest Christmas gift they could possibly give him. And…
By: Adam M. Carrington – – December 17, 2023 Classical education is not a threat. Don’t bash it. Let it thrive as a good for our republic. Is education Republican or Democrat, conservative or progressive? In a rightly ordered system, it should be neither. Instead, education in our country should be human and American. It should teach us the elements…
By: Allysia Finley – – December 17, 2023 Corporation is an apt appellation for Harvard and other Ivy League schools, considering they operate more like for-profit businesses than educational institutions. Unlike businesses, however, they lack shareholders to hold them accountable. This makes them models of the left’s “stakeholder capitalism” paradigm. The Harvard Corp. consists of 13 members, including the…
By: Becket Adams – – December 17, 2023 Reading the news these days hardly feels like engaging with uncompromising truth-seeking. The stuff the corporate press chooses to pump out now, and the editorial choices they make regarding what is pursued and what is not pursued, has all the feel of public-relations work tailored specifically to excite and inspire a specific fan base…
We are constantly told how necessary it is to find the”root causes” of everything, from crime, to illegal immigration, to the wave of antisemitism spreading across many college campuses and in our streets.
By: Daniel Henninger – – December 13, 2023 It may be no coincidence that colleges are abandoning SATs at the same time three university presidents were flunking questions in public about genocide. After receiving Fs for insisting that the answer to any direct question is “It depends on the context,” University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill lost her job…
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether a man involved in events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, can be charged for obstructing an official proceeding.