By: Jeremy Dys – – March 22, 2019 If you were to survey 1,000 adults across our fruited plain on the question of whether a public school teacher could actively participate in an explicitly religious club that meets after school on the campus in which she teaches, chances are a majority would guess the teacher is in the wrong. I…
By: Lou Weiss – – March 21, 2019 Anti-Semites on the hard right and the hard left love to decry the power of the “Jewish lobby.” In one sense they’re right. Israel does exert a profound pull on the American soul. The two nations share deep commonalities, interests and profound respect. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or Aipac, gains its…
By: Brandon Morse – – March 21, 2019 The closer we get to 2020, the more heat is being applied to Democratic candidates to focus on and adopt issues that Democrats would have considered extreme not that long ago. According to The Hill, Democratic candidates are hearing increasing calls to focus on fringe issues such as the Green New Deal…
By: Scott Rasmussen – – March 21, 2019 For those in the political world, Election 2020 is already here, and the biggest question is whether or not President Donald Trump will get re-elected. Fifty percent of voters think that is likely to happen, while 49 percent disagree. In reality, of course, there are two huge unknowns that will define…
By: David French – – March 21, 2019 It’s time to decide. Is the aim of the political wing of the pro-life movement to nibble at the edges of the American abortion culture or to confront it head-on? Iowa has made its choice. So has Kentucky. And today Mississippi joined the growing ranks of American states who have unequivocally…
By: Jeremy Dys – – March 19, 2019 Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced this month that she will no longer enforce a federal law barring religious organizations from providing federally funded educational services to private schools. The action is a natural development to follow President Trump’s 2017 executive order on religious freedom. Trump’s order directed the attorney general to issue…
By: Walter E. Williams – – March 20, 2019 Federal prosecutors have charged more than 50 people involved in cheating and bribery in order to get their children admitted to some of the nation’s most prestigious colleges and universities such as Georgetown, Yale, Stanford, University of Texas, University of Southern California and UCLA. They often paid more than $100,000 to rig SAT…
By: Jarrett Sepman – – March 18, 2019 The left really wants to give kids the right to vote. This idea is so popular on the left that a majority of House Democrats voted in favor of lowering the voting age to 16. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., endorsed the idea as well. Ryan Saavedra ✔ @Real Saavedra Speaker Nancy…
By: Kevin D. Williamson – – March 17, 2019 Rule No. 1 of tort law: The bad guy is the one with the most money to pay you. On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza murdered 26 people, 20 of them schoolchildren ages six and seven. Lanza killed himself, too. Can’t sue him. Lanza had a history of mental illness…
By: David French – – March 18, 2019 Over the weekend, my colleague Kevin Williamson wrote an outstanding piece illuminating the ideology and opportunism behind a Connecticut Supreme Court opinion holding that the manufacturer of the semi-automatic rifle used in the Sandy Hook shooting may be held liable for violating state unfair-trade-practices statutes. The legal reasoning behind the ruling, if applied…
By: Dan McLaughlin – – March 14, 2019 Whom will the Democrats pick to face Donald Trump in 2020? Polls this early don’t matter much: They just tell you who is well-known. Early money doesn’t ensure anything either, although the 2016 Republican race showed how quickly candidates without a huge fundraising base can go broke and drop out months before…