In his testimony former FBI director James Comey echoed a view that I alone have been expressing for several weeks, and that has been attacked by nearly every Democratic pundit. Comey confirmed that under our Constitution, the president has the authority to direct the FBI to stop investigating any individual. I paraphrase, because the transcript is not yet available: the…

At last, at least for your humble correspondent, this week’s big hearing brought clarity. I now believe President Donald Trump fired Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey because he believes Comey intentionally misled the public into believing Trump was under investigation by the FBI. There is enough support for this theory that, had the president been forthright in explaining…
by Joe Carter – – June 8, 2017 The Story: In a confirmation hearing of an executive branch nominee, two U.S. senators imply that those who believe Jesus is the only way to salvation are “Islamophobic” and not fit for public office. The Background: Last year, a controversy erupted when a political science professor at Wheaton College decided to wear a…
by David French – – June 8, 2017 At an increasing rate, Americans separate themselves into culturally and ideologically homogeneous enclaves. Last week there were two telling incidents — one small, the other more consequential — that spoke volumes about the state of our national life. Let’s start small. Over in Seattle, in the midst of a debate over…
by Tiana Lowe – – June 8, 2017 In testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI director James Comey revealed that a February New York Times article, which asserted that Trump associates and campaign members had “repeated contacts with Russian intelligence” was mostly false. Responding to Virginia senator Mark Warner, the ranking Democrat on the committee, Comey testified that…
by Guy Benson – – June 8, 2017 Over the span of nearly three hours today, Senators from both parties grilled former FBI Director James Comey about his relationship with President Trump, the circumstances of his firing, and various aspects of the federal probe into Russia’s 2016 election meddling. For the most part, the hearing was conducted professionally, with…
by Gary Bauer – – June 6, 2017 This Winner Is A Real Loser The first deep state anti-Trump leaker has been caught and arrested. Reality Leigh Winner — yes, Reality Winner is her real name — was arrested Saturday for leaking classified information to The Intercept about Russian attempts to hack a voting software company and local elections offices….
by Robert Knight – – June 1, 2017 When it dawned on the media last fall that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady had not issued a public statement condemning his friend, then-candidate Donald Trump, the pile-on started. “Brady has had every opportunity to clarify his friendship with Trump and has mostly declined,” Sports Illustrated harrumphed. Not to be…
by Sen. Ben Sasse – – May 31, 2017 When I was little, mom would leave detailed lists of chores on the kitchen counter each summer morning for my siblings and me to complete before we could play baseball, ride bikes, or go swimming. And when I arrived at college, basically everyone with whom I became friends, a group…
By William McGurn – – June 5, 2017 Nine years after Barack Obama accused small-towners of clinging to guns or religion, nearly three years after Jonathan Gruber was shown to have attributed ObamaCare’s passage to the stupidity of the American voter, and eight months after Hillary Clinton pronounced half of Donald Trump’s voters “irredeemable,” Democrats are now getting some sophisticated advice:…
by Bernard Goldberg – – June 6, 2017 One of the nice things about summer is that school is out and, at least for a few months, we’ll get a welcome break from those sanctimonious liberal snowflakes on college campus who manage to prove that old saying about how the lunatics have taken over the asylum. One such asylum…