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Pro-Life Laws and Activists

Unborn baby
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The overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 was a major victory, sending decisions about abortion laws to individual states. But the battle to end abortion in America is far from over—and those who defend abortion are fighting harder than ever.


There are a few recent pieces of pro-life news you should know about.

Arizona recently overturned a law that protected all unborn life. Three Republican state representatives supported the repeal under pressure from former President Donald Trump and Arizonan Kari Lake, Republican candidate for Senate. Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act is another pro-life law that could soon be endangered. In November, Floridians will vote on a constitutional amendment that would enshrine access to abortion as a right in the state.

Multiple pro-life activists were also sentenced to prison last week in a U.S. District Court for participating in a blockade of a late-term abortion facility in Washington, D.C. One activist was sentenced to nearly five years in prison.

Also last week, Pew Research Center released a poll which found that most Americans (63%) believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

With the victory of overturning Roe behind us, pro-lifers must press forward in the fight to make abortion not just illegal, but unthinkable in our culture. Clearly there is opposition at the state, federal, and local levels, but that doesn’t mean we should back down.


Please pray the following prayer along with me:

Dear God,

Reinvigorate those on the frontlines in the fight for life, from those volunteering at pro-life pregnancy centers, to lawmakers advocating for life-affirming legislation, to activists who raise awareness through peaceful protests.

Comfort the pro-lifers who were sentenced to prison for protesting the gruesome practice of late-term abortion, and their families. 

Encourage politicians to stand firm on behalf of the unborn and continue to advocate for pro-life laws, even when it may not seem popular or politically expedient. 

Awaken the hearts and minds of Americans to the reality of abortion and the value of human life in all stages. Combat abortion-industry lies that frighten and misinform people about the issue of abortion.

In Jesus’ Name,


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