Ending Trans Tyranny

Penna Dexter As the transgender agenda began to unravel, author J.K. Rowling posted her summary of the damage it’s done, including this: Gender ideology has undermined freedom of speech, scientific truth, gay rights, and women and girls’ safety, privacy and dignity. It’s also caused irreparable physical damage to vulnerable kids. Nobody voted for it, the vast majority of people disagree…

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Go To Church

Penna Dexter In a recent sermon, my pastor declared: “The most significant decision we make every week is whether we will go to church.” Church attendance is declining as the culture secularizes. Our pastor, Paul Donison, told us that during the pandemic, 40 million Americans stopped going to church and the numbers have continued dropping. Dr. Ryan Burge is Assistant…

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California Blameshifting

Penna Dexter Who or what is to blame for the scale of the wildfires that destroyed massive swaths of Los Angeles this winter?  Some politicians point to climate change and fossil fuels. Two California legislators have filed a bill to allow insurers and homeowners impacted by the fires to sue oil companies for their losses. Lawmakers hope to cover damages…

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Better Off Without

Penna Dexter The Department of Education is not needed. More evidence surfaced recently in results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, given to 4th and 8th graders every two years. Average NAEP scores in both grades are down 2 points since 2022. A third of eighth graders scored “below basic” in reading, a record low. And math scores continue…

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Deep State Disempowerment

Penna Dexter A presidential transition always involves firing federal bureaucrats that populated the previous administration. The Trump team entered office motivated and prepared for this work — and rightly so. The Napolitan Institute, an organization founded by pollster Scott Rasmussen, recently released a poll of Washington DC-based federal bureaucrats. Sixty-four percent of those who voted for Kamala Harris for president…

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March Still Needed

Penna Dexter As evidenced by the crowd at last weeks’ March for Life on the National Mall in Washington DC, the pro-life movement is alive and well. In a post-Roe world, it’s still needed. Vice President J.D. Vance joined the marchers, thanking them for showing up in such large numbers on “this especially frigid January.”  He made it clear he’s…

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Biden’s Zombie ERA

Penna Dexter In one of his final lawless acts, just three days before leaving office, President Biden proclaimed that the Equal Rights Amendment is “the law of the land.” Congress passed this amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1972 and gave it seven years to achieve ratification by three fourths of the states. Proponents claimed the ERA would protect women’s…

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LA Burning

Penna Dexter I love living in Texas but, by birth and upbringing, I’m an LA girl — born in Pasadena, raised in a beach town, and educated at a university near downtown. I’m mourning the massive damage and destruction to life, homes, businesses, and landmarks in places I’ve loved. I remember dreading the Santa Ana winds, which sweep down from…

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Undo Gender Blending

Penna Dexter Whenever there’s a new session of Congress, the House of Representatives adopts a new set of rules to govern the way it conducts business. Four years ago, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced, and the House passed, a resolution aimed at making all House rules “gender inclusive.” The resolution expunged sex-specific words from House rules. So where the terms “father”…

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Disappearing Dining Rooms

Penna Dexter On Christmas Day, as I rushed to set my dining room table, I felt a strange sense of gratitude — for the table. And for the dining room. More and more Americans don’t have them and, in my opinion, they’re missing something special. In an article for The Atlantic, city planner M. Nolan Gray wrote of the disappearing…

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Prayer for 2025

Penna Dexter “Some people are calling it a “Vibe Shift.”  Before anyone is sworn into office, we are seeing the fruits of the November election. There’s a new optimism as we reflect on the things that need change. There’s much to pray for, so let’s begin: Heavenly Father, we’re grateful that voters rejected the gender ideology that allows, even encourages,…

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