Penna Dexter Healthy retirement planning is about more than just saving and investing well. It also involves seeing that your children acquire some skills in handling money. It’s important to define and communicate boundaries regarding how much you’ll help them so they don’t become a financial drain on your nest egg. “Some parents are reluctant to think about letting go,”…
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Penna Dexter Chelsea Clinton gives legal abortion credit for boosting the American economy. Speaking at a Planned Parenthood-sponsored rally opposing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, she attempted to help her audience of abortion activists add financial persuasion to their arsenal of arguments for abortion rights. Ms. Clinton stated, “American women entering the labor force from…
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Penna Dexter Two recent news stories converge to demonstrate how a fully functioning, vibrant economy depends upon a culture of life. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that job openings in the US climbed to 6.7 million in the three months ended in June, the highest level since 2001. The number of unfilled jobs is growing in nearly every industry. The Journal explains…
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Penna Dexter US citizens are having fewer babies these days. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, which is part of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of babies born last year in the US was down 2 percent from the previous year and has hit a 30-year low. The US birth rate dropped to…
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Penna Dexter The birth rate in the US has hit an all-time low. Replacement-level fertility requires an average of 2.1 children per woman. Ours is roughly 1.76. Fewer women are having children. And the ones who do are having fewer of them. A Pew Research survey done in June reveals that Americans like the idea of larger families. According to…
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Penna Dexter If you are a middle child — or a parent of one of more middles — you are becoming increasingly rare. Every child born after the first and before the last is technically a middle. In an article in New York Magazine, culture editor Adam Sterrnbergh makes the startling revelation that the American Middle Child is now an endangered…
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Penna Dexter Prominent abortion-rights advocate, Cecille Richards, recently stepped down from the helm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Having served as the organization’s president for 12 years, she’s now pouring herself into electoral politics, especially the midterm elections. Ms. Richards solidified Planned Parenthood’s role as a political powerhouse. This year Planned Parenthood’s political action sub-groups are conducting their biggest-ever…
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Penna Dexter Remember the PBS television show Barney and Friends? It premiered in 1992 and ceased production in 2009. The title character Barney was a purple tyrannosaurus rex who conveyed optimistic and educational messages through songs and little dance routines. The show was popular during an era when it was not politically correct to elevate the nuclear family — a mom,…
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Penna Dexter There’s a welcome shift away from the social engineering in the military that drains readiness programs. The US Army released an official memo stating that “Transgender training is complete across the total Army.” For two years, the Army has been conducting mandatory transgender integration training at Army bases across the country. Two Obama-era directives necessitated this. One changed…
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Penna Dexter The Trump Administration has just made it easier for small businesses to offer health insurance to their employees. ObamaCare didn’t change the health insurance picture much for large companies. But it imposes rules and mandates on small businesses that have raised their costs and caused more and more of them to decide not to offer health insurance to…
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Penna Dexter This month is the third anniversary of the 2015 Supreme Court decision Obergefell vs. Hodges. The decision brought us same-sex marriage across the land because it struck down all state laws that specified that marriage is the union between one man and one woman. When a court hands down a sweeping ruling that changes something you have known to…
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