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left_flag Monday, November 16
Monday, November 16, 2020
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One of our most exciting Mondays ever – hosted by our own Kerby Anderson. Kerby will jump right in to the first hour with a weekend update. For the second hour, he will talk with Danielle D’Souza Gill about her new book, “The Choice“. In the final hour Kerby will speak with Brian Sumner about “I Hated” (an I Am Second Film).

Please call in or post questions on Facebook! Our phone number is  800-351-1212 and the Facebook link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
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Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Danielle D'Souza Gill Show Page
Danielle D'Souza Gill
Author | Commentator | Advisor
Danielle D'Souza Gill is a young author and commentator who lives in New York City. A graduate from Dartmouth College, and the author of YGod: An Intelligent Discussion on the Relevance of Faith, she has also filmed videos for PragerU, has been a Turning Point USA ambassador, and been on various tv and radio networks including Fox News, One America, Newsmax, and Salem Radio. She is the youngest Advisory Board member of Women for Trump, a coalition of Donald J. Trump's campaign. The Choice: The Abortion Divide in America is her second book.
The Choice: The Abortion Divide in America
Danielle D'Souza Gill, in a pathbreaking new book, blows the lid off the abortion debate, which is radically different than it was when the Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Technology has transformed the landscape and allowed people to see development in the womb. Ultrasound has rendered many old assumptions about abortion obsolete.

The Democratic Left has become radicalized on abortion. It is no longer a necessary evil, but a positive good. Consequently, the Left has legitimized a form of mass killing in this country that dwarfs the deaths caused by cancer, smoking, homicide, terrorism, and war.

While it is a heartbreaking book, it is in the end inspiring. No matter what you believe about abortion, this book will educate, astonish, and deeply move you. It may move you to a position different from what you now hold.
Brian Sumner Show Page
Brian Sumner
Evangelist | Pastor | Speaker | Author | Producer
Brian Sumner is an evangelist, pastor and speaker who came to faith in 2004 at the height of his professional skateboard career. Born in Liverpool England, at age 15 Brian transplanted to America to become part of Tony Hawk’s Birdhouse Skateboards, building a successful decade plus long career riding for some of the biggest skate companies in the world.

In 1999 Brian was married and soon he and his wife Tracy were expecting their first child. Within just a few years of marriage, without either of them having faith, they were soon fighting, struggling, and divorced. This left Brian feeling angry, depressed and even suicidal. But, after a year of separation, God awakened his heart and he experienced God’s forgiveness and love. His ex-wife Tracy came to faith within three weeks having her own God encounter, and they were re-married soon after going on to have two more children.

Brian began speaking at youth events, churches, outreaches, festivals, recovery centers, schools, mission trips and men’s conferences as well as sharing his story on media platforms like I Am Second, Billy Graham’s My Hope and CBN, among others. In 2015 Brian published his first book, “Never Fails”. Brian also sits on the board of various ministries including D2L where he helps produce film projects like the “Hardflip” movie, the SkateBible movie and “Foolishness” which Brian co-produced, wrote and directed. It won the I.C.V.M Crown Award for “best Evangelistic film of 2013″. He began a podcast, Foolishness, in 2019.
Biden pursed lips
Biden Calls for Unity as Leftists Attack Pro-Trump Demonstrators
Democrat Joe Biden was called out on Saturday for his silence as left-wing extremists that journalists identified as being affiliated with Black Lives Matter and Antifa attacked pro-Trump demonstrators in Washington, D.C., who had gathered ...
Biden Rubs his Temple
Biden Underperformed, Except in Four Cities
Until all the votes are counted and all the allegations of voter fraud are investigated, I think it’s too early to declare a winner in the 2020 race. You keep fighting. For now, the legal ...
Dominion Voting Systems
Dominion Voting Systems – DID NOT Delete Votes
Multiple conservative news sources have claimed this week that vote counting software from Dominion Voting Systems deleted votes for President Donald Trump or switched votes to President-elect Joe Biden. Source: Fact check: Dominion voting machines ...
Attorney Sidney Powell - screen shot of Fox News
Claim that Dominion Voting Systems DID Delete Votes
Attorney Sidney Powell on "Sunday Morning Futures" said Trump's legal team is gathering evidence of "election fraud" that allegedly took place in election-related software, like Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic. As it currently stands, Dominion ...
I Hated - I am Second - screen shot
I hated - I Am Second
I Hated
Five People, Consumed by Pain
Men. My Body. My Marriage. Other Races. Everything. David Mann, Ashley Rawls, Brian Sumner, Ken Hutcherson, and Jessica Long each found themselves consumed by their pain. Here they tell their stories side-by-side, releasing hatred in exchange for love.



  • Clarity in Chaos