First hour of the show today Kerby chats with Carmen LaBerge, president of The Presbyterian Lay Committee and host of the daily radio show, The Reconnect with Carmen. They talk about her new book, Speak the Truth: How to Bring God Back into Every Conversation.
In the second hour former governor Mike Huckabee tells us about his new talk show scheduled to premier early next month on TBN.

If God is missing from the conversation, then it is because His people have failed to represent Him there. Christians have been far too silent for far too long, retreating out of fear of offending someone or the unpleasantness of stepping outside our comfort zone. When Christians have spoken up, too often it has not been in ways that honor Jesus. We have inserted our own opinion, obscuring the beauty and truth of the Gospel in favor of our political, ideological, or personal agenda.

"President Trump has delivered a forward looking tax reform framework that will let hard working Americans keep more of their money, simplify our system, end carve outs for special interests, and will help make our businesses competitive abroad. The Freedom Caucus looks forward to sending a final bill based on this framework to President Trump's desk as soon as possible," the Caucus released Wednesday.