Debbie Georgatos is guest hosting today. She will welcome guests Lisa Luby Ryan, and Rebecca Friedrichs. Lisa will discuss the upcoming elections from the local level. Rebecca has a new book coming out in November about teachers in America who have been freed from forced unionism aren’t leaving.
We would love to hear your perspective, so please, give us a call at 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at

Lisa is committed to ensuring that Texas maintains a strong and robust economy so every citizen can pursue their dreams. Raised by a single mother and the product of public schools, Lisa believes that the future of Texas must include a strong educational system. As a homeowner in our district, Lisa knows that our communities must have property tax relief.
Lisa is known for her trademark energy and impressive history of volunteer, civic, and political leadership. She is the past president of the Park Cities Republican Women, and has served on numerous boards including Council for Life, Brighter Dallas, and Associated Republicans of Texas. As an Advisory Board member for the Dallas-based Initiative Network, Lisa mentors and encourages young adults. She has been previously involved in volunteering and raising funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, American Heart Association, and numerous projects at her sons’ schools.
Lisa’s association with nonprofit e3partners led to sharing her powerful personal testimony of redemption and serving as national spokesperson for their “I Am Second” campaign. Lisa was the second recipient of the Norm Miller Award, given to a person demonstrating a bold faith and impacting lives through their professional and personal life.
Lisa and her husband, Jay, reside in Dallas and are the parents of two sons, Kyle, married to Sarah Jo, and Casey. Jay has worked over 40 years for an engineering construction firm. The Ryans attend Gateway Church, and are expecting their first grandchild in February.

As a twenty-eight-year public school teacher, she was forced to fund state and national teachers’ unions whose politics and divisive tactics degraded her profession, our schools, universities, and our national character. Her seminal lawsuit Friedrichs v California Teachers’ Association, which sought to free educators, and all public sector employees from forced unionism, was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on January 11, 2016.
Poised to rule 5-4 in Rebecca’s favor, the Court deadlocked after the sudden passing of Justice Scalia.
Determined to stop state and national teachers’ unions from destroying our schools, universities, and American values, and sensing that millions of like-minded supporters were stunned and discouraged, Rebecca refused to give up.
Standing Up to Goliath, told through dozens of powerful personal accounts, is Rebecca’s exposé of bully unions. So that her readers will have a way to organize and take action, Rebecca also founded For Kids and Country, a national movement of parents, teachers, students, faith leaders, and citizens uniting to restore our schools and culture.
Rebecca’s case trailblazed the way for Janus v AFSCME which won at the US Supreme Court on June 27, 2018 – remarkably Rebecca’s birthday – and successfully ended public-sector forced unionism in America. But most teachers have no idea they are funding the demise of their own profession, our schools and culture, so Rebecca’s book moves the battle forward - showing educators, students, citizens, and parents exactly why teachers should reject state and national unions in protection of kids and country.
Rebecca lives in Southern California with her husband Charles, and their sons Kyle and Ben.
* Promote a culture of fear and bully teachers and parents into silence.
* Undermine parents’ authority by sexually, socially, and politically indoctrinating kids.
* Use the apple-pie image of the PTA as a “front” to promote a partisan agenda.
These insights and more led Rebecca and nine other teachers to the US Supreme Court where their case, Friedrichs v California Teachers Association, et al., sought to restore the First Amendment rights of all teachers and government employees. They argued no one should be forced to pay fees to abusive, politically driven unions, and were poised to change the very landscape of American education—until tragedy struck.
Saddened but unbowed, Rebecca started a national movement, For Kids and Country, leading the charge of servant leaders who believe Judeo-Christian values (including kindness) and restoration of the teaching profession—possible only by rejecting state and national unions and forming “local only” associations—are the answers to America’s woes. She invites you to join them.
“America’s teachers, parents, and kids deserve better,” Rebecca writes. “If we want freedom, we’re going to have to fight for it.”

She has authored numerous policy studies included but not limited to Cuba, Venezuela, and Central America. In addition to writing policy papers, Quintana’s articles have appeared inReal Clear World, The National Interest, The Federalist, among others. Her work has been cited in media venues such asThe Washington Post, Bloomberg Business, The Guardian, and The Wall Street Journaland has been a commentator on media outlets like Fox News, MSNBC, and Al Jazeera. She has also testified before the U.S. Congress.
Quintana holds a Master of Arts degree in global security studies and a bachelor’s degree in political science, both from Florida International University. She also received certificates in National Security, Latin American and Caribbean studies. She was a scholar in the university’s Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship Studies.
She’s fluent in Spanish and studied in Minas Gerais, Brazil, on a scholarship sponsored by the Department of Defense.
She is a current National Security Fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a former Penn Kemble Democracy Forum Fellow with the National Endowment for Democracy.
Prior to joining Heritage, she was a student trainee at the Defense Intelligence Agency. She also held internships at Virginia-based International Relief and Development, where she worked on rule of law issues in Latin America, and at the U.S. Agency for International Development, where she worked on civilian-military cooperation.
Quintana was born and raised in Miami. She currently resides in Virginia.