Welcome to our mid-week show! Kerby Anderson hosts. He shares biblical perspective on the the weeks happenings & the trends in the news. His first guest will be Rick McGough. Rick has a new book: “Faith & Reason Made Simple.” Kerby’s other guest is Dean of Studies at the Zacharias Institute, Dr. Jo Vitale. She and Kerby will discuss the topic, Is Christianity Sexist?
We invite you to call or contact us on facebook with any comments or questions.
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Rick is also the author of “Faith & Reason Made Simple” a book designed to help the average Christian understand and communicate Christian apologetics.
After 34 years of pastoring Rick has stepped away from pastoring to devote the rest of his life to equipping local churches and believers of all ages in how to defend their Christian faith. Rick now travels and speaks at churches, schools, conferences, etc., to help the listener grasp the truths being shared.
Rick & his wife Val live in Moline, Illinois. They have three grown sons and 6 grandchildren.