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left_flag Wednesday, January 8
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Welcome to our mid-week show! Kerby Anderson hosts. He shares biblical perspective on the the weeks happenings & the trends in the news. His first guest will be Rick McGough. Rick has a new book: “Faith & Reason Made Simple.” Kerby’s other guest is Dean of Studies at the Zacharias Institute, Dr. Jo Vitale. She and Kerby will discuss the topic, Is Christianity Sexist?

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Rick McGough Show Page
Rick McGough
Author | Founder & President - Local Church Apologetics - Coordinator - Truth Conferences
Rick McGough is the Founder and President of Local Church Apologetics and the Coordinator of the Truth Conferences held in various locations across America with Josh McDowell and other speakers from around the nation.
Rick is also the author of “Faith & Reason Made Simple” a book designed to help the average Christian understand and communicate Christian apologetics.
After 34 years of pastoring Rick has stepped away from pastoring to devote the rest of his life to equipping local churches and believers of all ages in how to defend their Christian faith. Rick now travels and speaks at churches, schools, conferences, etc., to help the listener grasp the truths being shared.
Rick & his wife Val live in Moline, Illinois. They have three grown sons and 6 grandchildren.
Faith and Reason Made Simple: Rationally Defend What You Believe In A Culture of Skepticism
This book is designed to simplify the complex issues of apologetics in order to equip believers of all ages to better defend their faith in the midst of this skeptical culture in which we live.
Jo Vitale Show Page
Jo Vitale, PhD
Speaker | Writer | Dean of Studies - Zacharias Institute
Dr. Jo Vitale is Dean of Studies at the Zacharias Institute and an itinerant speaker for RZIM. Before joining the US team, Jo was a speaker for RZIM in Europe, where she graduated with a MSt in Biblical Interpretation and a DPhil (PhD) in Theology from the University of Oxford. Jo speaks internationally in a variety of contexts, including universities, businesses, churches, conferences, and radio programs. She also teams up weekly with her husband, Dr. Vince Vitale, for RZIM’s Ask Away podcast. Although a UK national, Jo is based in Atlanta, Georgia, where she and Vince live with their son, Raphael.
Is God Sexist? – Jude 3 Project
On this episode, Dr. Jo Vitale discussed whether or not God is sexist, #metoo, #churchtoo, problematic passages in the Old Testament for women, rape in the Old Testament, and the Levite and the concubine in Judges 19.
Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani
Is It Time to Leave Iraq?
By: Pat Buchanan - - January 7, 2020 Fifteen years after the U.S. invaded Iraq to turn Saddam Hussein's dictatorship into a beacon of democracy, Iraq's Parliament, amid shouts of "Death to America!" voted ...
Evangelicals and Trump
By: Tony Perkins - - January 7, 2020 “I may not be perfect,” President Trump admitted, “but I get things done.” And for many voters, including evangelicals, that’s what matters. In fact, for the thousands ...




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