Military Policy
May 2nd, 2018
John Kerry shakes hands - Iran Deal
By: David Harsanyi – – May 1, 2018 On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented documents to the world that prove Iran lied for years about its peaceful intentions. Netanyahu claims that in 2017 the Iranians moved “a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons” to a secret location, and that a few weeks ago Mossad...
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May 2nd, 2018
John Kerry shakes hands - Iran Deal
By: David Harsanyi – – May 1, 2018 On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented documents to the world that prove Iran lied for years about its peaceful intentions. Netanyahu claims that in 2017 the Iranians moved “a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons” to a secret location, and that a few weeks ago Mossad...
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May 2nd, 2018
tehran iran 20 flags
by Daniel Horowitz – – May 1, 2018 Perhaps just as stunning as the Mossad’s ability to smuggle 100,000 documents out of Iran right under the nose of the Islamic regime is the response to Netanyahu’s presentation from the pro-Iran Left. Liberals, including Iran’s favorite senator, Bob Corker, are asserting that while Netanyahu showed evidence of Iran’s past development...
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March 19th, 2018
By: Rachel Alexander – – March 13, 2018 The French do it every year. Liberals love France. Have you ever met a liberal who didn’t love wine, smelly soft cheese, existentialist philosophy? Who didn’t feel weepy about the French Revolution? Who didn’t love singing La Marseillaise? So why aren’t liberals cheering when Donald Trump wants to do what the...
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January 31st, 2018
State of the Union Gallery
President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union Address January 30, 2018 Remarks as prepared for delivery TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and my fellow Americans: Less than 1 year has passed since I first stood at this podium, in this majestic chamber,...
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January 31st, 2018
State of the Union-Banner
Read the full remarks of the President’s 2018 State of the Union Address here. The President and First Lady’s Special Guests Read full bios for each of the President and First Lady’s guests here. Source: State of the Union
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January 4th, 2018
Top Threats to Your Religious Liberty
By: – December 28, 2017 As 2017 closes, America finds itself at a tipping point, with the stakes for religious freedom at an all-time high. Not only will the results affect the religious rights of millions of citizens in the present era, they are likely to have a long and lasting impact on the religious liberty of future generations....
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January 3rd, 2018
Nikki Haley
By: Daniella Diaz – – January 1, 2018 US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued a stern warning to North Korea on Tuesday, saying the US “will never accept a nuclear North Korea.” “As we hear reports that North Korea might be preparing for another missile test — I hope that does not happen, but if it...
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December 15th, 2017
President Trump
By: Cal Thomas – – December 14, 2017 Side issues — some of them created by the president himself — have obscured the accomplishments of the Trump administration during his first year in office. The economy is the most obvious one. From anemic growth in the previous administration, it is now growing at around 3 percent, which economists say...
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December 15th, 2017
President Trump
By: Cal Thomas – – December 14, 2017 Side issues — some of them created by the president himself — have obscured the accomplishments of the Trump administration during his first year in office. The economy is the most obvious one. From anemic growth in the previous administration, it is now growing at around 3 percent, which economists say...
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