July 5th, 2016
  Two hundred and forty years before Brexit, there was Amexit, also known as the American Revolution. In terms of historical consequence, the Brexit vote and the American Revolution don’t occupy the same universes, but they are connected by a belief in popular sovereignty and a refusal to be governed by a remote authority with only an attenuated mechanism —...
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July 5th, 2016
  Two hundred and forty years before Brexit, there was Amexit, also known as the American Revolution. In terms of historical consequence, the Brexit vote and the American Revolution don’t occupy the same universes, but they are connected by a belief in popular sovereignty and a refusal to be governed by a remote authority with only an attenuated mechanism —...
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June 29th, 2016
Instead, with an assist from the media, she’s going to get off scot-free. Do failures and lies matter any longer? If you are a prominent Democratic politician, what exactly is the level of wrongdoing that will end your career? Reading the long-awaited report from the House Select Committee on Benghazi and the associated media coverage, I was struck by the...
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June 24th, 2016
The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday dealt President Barack Obama a harsh defeat, splitting 4-4 over his plan to spare millions of immigrants in the country illegally from deportation and give them work permits, leaving intact a lower-court ruling blocking the plan. The court, with four conservative justices and four liberals, appeared divided along ideological lines during oral arguments on...
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June 24th, 2016
First the First, second the Second and the Fifth Amendments In September of 2014, Senate Democrats voted to repeal the First Amendment. They were enraged by a Supreme Court decision holding that ordinary constitutional protections for free speech prohibited the government from punishing political activists who had shown a film critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the run-up to the...
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June 22nd, 2016
In the wake of terrorist attacks, Democrats push for gun-control laws that would not have stopped them. Almost as soon as the massacre at the Orlando nightclub Pulse ended, Democrats took up their push to forbid people on the terrorism watch list from purchasing guns. The timing, in the wake of the awful shock of the Orlando attack, was right,...
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June 21st, 2016
Don’t Bend Your Knee to Trump, Evangelicals A candidate who subverts all of our most cherished values should be avoided at all costs. Tomorrow, hundreds of Evangelical leaders will gather in New York City to meet with Donald Trump. I must confess that I don’t understand their purpose. I suspect that it will be exactly the kind of meeting that...
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June 20th, 2016
Political distractions abound in the wake of the horrific shooting. In a normal country during normal times, the jihadi terrorist shooting in Orlando in which 49 people were murdered in cold blood — and more than 50 injured — would be a cause for a serious debate about national security. Instead, it has been taken as an opportunity to light...
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June 20th, 2016
State gifts to the likes of Boeing, Ford, Google and Apple are unnecessary and unfair. Better to cut the tax rate and reduce regulation. Competition is at the heart of America’s economic success, but not every type of contest benefits society. Consider the growing trend of businesses cajoling states and politicians to compete for who can dole out the most...
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June 14th, 2016
Why don’t we actually prosecute gun crimes? The Democrats say they want commonsense gun-control measures. People on all sides say they want pragmatic, bipartisan solutions to our national problems. So, what can conservatives support? The Democrats’ opening bid this time around is, regardless of how Republicans receive it, a dead letter, inasmuch as their proposal — having police agencies compile...
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