The Constitution
February 15th, 2019
Attorneys with First Liberty Institute represent The American Legion in defense of the Bladensburg World War I memorial. The U.S. Supreme Court will now consider its constitutionality. Source: Bladensburg | Cases | First Liberty
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February 15th, 2019
Attorneys with First Liberty Institute represent The American Legion in defense of the Bladensburg World War I memorial. The U.S. Supreme Court will now consider its constitutionality. Source: Bladensburg | Cases | First Liberty
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February 11th, 2019
US Supreme-Court-justices 2018
By: Jacob Gershman – February 8, 2019 Conservative and liberal states are pulling farther apart on the issue of abortion in response to the heightened possibility that the Supreme Court could limit access to some procedures. In Republican-led statehouses, such as Ohio and Kentucky, lawmakers are getting behind proposals to ban the procedure within the first trimester of a...
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February 8th, 2019
By: Jeremy Dys – – February 8, 2019 Two public appearances by senior members of the Trump Administration last month show the Administration’s fundamental commitment to religious liberty. And it’s more than just words. In a Christian Broadcasting Network News interview that fell on the heels of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to a cathedral in Egypt, a reporter...
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February 8th, 2019
Sens. Lee and Hirono
By: Molly Prince – – February 7, 2019 Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee condemned the Senate Judiciary Democrats on Thursday for questioning judicial nominees’ religious beliefs before the committee. Democratic Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono denied ever instituting a religious test and scolded Lee for what she believed was censuring her. “You can’t openly, publicly question a nominee about that...
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January 25th, 2019
Trump-Pelosi speaking - split screen
By: Stephen Collinson – – January 24, 2019 Washington (CNN) — Nancy Pelosi isn’t giving an inch. The House speaker, fortified by brutal polling for Donald Trump, refuses to provide the President an easy way out of his own political box as the government shutdown sparked by his demand for a border wall drags into a 34th day. In...
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January 24th, 2019
An employee from gun manufacturer Taurus Armas SA
By: David French – – January 23, 2019 What’s going on? The Supreme Court has taken its first gun-rights case in almost a decade, and it’s a strange case indeed. At issue is what appears to be a draconian, one-of-a-kind New York City law that prohibits any person who possesses a license to own a gun in their home from...
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January 21st, 2019
By: John Zmirak – – January 20, 2019 Like the Wizard of Oz, the media are using all their special effects to shock us and awe us. To keep us from seeing the “man behind the curtain.” And too many conservatives and Christians are playing along. They’re letting the reign of terror get to them. That’s the lesson of...
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January 21st, 2019
By: John Zmirak – – January 20, 2019 Like the Wizard of Oz, the media are using all their special effects to shock us and awe us. To keep us from seeing the “man behind the curtain.” And too many conservatives and Christians are playing along. They’re letting the reign of terror get to them. That’s the lesson of...
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January 18th, 2019
Karen Pence speaks at CPAC conf
By: David French – – January 17, 2019 On the intolerant critics of the second lady Karen Pence is a believing Christian woman. She took a part-time job at a private Christian school. And this, believe it or not, is a scandal. Don’t believe me? Her job has already merited not just one, but two critical Washington Post stories....
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