Recent Viewpoints

May 26, 2017
Steve Scalise

Penna Dexter The current political environment requires tremendous determination on the part of our leaders to keep their heads down and get things done. This necessity became crystal clear to me recently as I sat in a crowded hotel ballroom in Washington DC and listened to Vice President Mike Pence speak. He’s always positive. I’m pretty sure he puts on the full armor of God most days. There are obstacles. Some — let’s face it — are brought on by…

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May 26, 2017

Kerby Anderson Raising the minimum wage effectively eliminates entry-level jobs. That is conclusion of most academic studies. And the greatest negative impact is on teenage unemployment. That is why Larry Elder wrote to Jane Fonda before she went to Detroit to campaign for a higher minimum wage. He quoted from economist David Neumark who examined all of the major academic minimum-wage studies from the previous two decades. Of these more than 100 studies, 85 percent found that minimum-wage laws destroy…

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May 25, 2017

Kerby Anderson We all know what happens when a Christian business promotes traditional marriage or fails to endorse same-sex marriage. Bakers, florists, photographers, and others have been fined and often put out of business. But would you believe this might happen to a company in the meat industry? Maggie Gallagher tells the story of a Christian family that runs the West Michigan Beef Company that they say they run for “the glory of God.” The owner saw various newspaper and…

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May 24, 2017

Kerby Anderson In an important case involving religious liberty, a Kentucky court ruled that a print shop does not have to make gay pride T-shirts. The dispute arose a number of years ago when the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization asked Hands on Originals to make T-shirts with the name and logo of a pride festival. Blaine Adamson said he refused to print the shirts because it violated his business policy of not printing messages that endorse a position in…

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May 23, 2017

Kerby Anderson The World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians was held earlier this month in Washington, D.C. More than 600 victims and advocates from 130 countries gathered to raise awareness of the plight of persecuted Christians. Franklin Graham said that he “spent time this week with two men whose brothers were among the Coptic Christians marched out on the beach in Libya and viciously beheaded by ISIS for refusing to deny Christ.” Some were surprise to hear the story…

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May 22, 2017

Kerby Anderson Tomorrow in theaters throughout America will be the film, In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem produced by CBN.  June 5 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1967 six-day-war in Israel. This film is an accurate depiction of what took place and will help tell the story that few people in America know about that battle. Arab nations surrounding Israel had a battle plan to wipe Israel off the map. The young Jewish nation was out manned and…

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May 19, 2017

Penna Dexter In her capacity as “First Daughter,” and before she took an official position at the White House, Ivanka Trump organized a meeting with Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood. Since congress was considering proposals to defund Planned Parenthood, by far the nation’s largest abortion provider, Ivanka wanted to learn more. Planned Parenthood’s executive Vice President, Dawn Laguens told reporters, that in this meeting, Cecile Richards had hoped to “make sure that Ivanka fully understood what Planned Parenthood does,…

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May 19, 2017

Kerby Anderson Seth Shostak believes this could be humanity’s last century. But don’t think he is a pessimist. He is the Director of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence and warns us about potential dangers on the horizon but also explains that our 21st century technology holds great promise. He believes we will be able to understand biology at the molecular level. That will give humanity the ability to cure all diseases. But it will also usher in an era of…

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May 18, 2017

Kerby Anderson Whether you are a Christian or not, you are benefiting from the positive impact of Christianity on your life. That is the premise of the book by Dr. Rodney Stark. Although I have interviewed Professor Stark on many of his books, I was unaware of his book, America’s Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone Including Atheists. Jerry Newcombe brought his book to my attention in a recent column. This book is a natural one for the professor to write…

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May 17, 2017

Kerby Anderson Joel Rosenberg was on my radio program to talk about his novel, The First Hostage. We didn’t spend too much time talking about his book, but instead focused on the phenomenon of apocalyptic Islam. Let me explain what that is. There is both radical Islam as well as apocalyptic Islam. The vast majority of Muslims did not fit into either category. According to some reliable polls only about 10 percent of the 1.6 billion Muslims subscribe to the…

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May 16, 2017

Kerby Anderson Dr. Everett Piper is the President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University and recently wrote to plead with his “colleagues to stand firm for the academy’s millennia-old commitment to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of inquiry, and freedom of thought.” This was a needed commentary for universities that implement “speech codes,” organize “safe spaces,” and allow students and activists to shut down speeches. He goes on the explain that the “answer to the riots and rebellions that Berkeley…

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