
September 28th, 2020
Did you hear about the large Christian gatherings in Washington, DC this weekend? Did you see the news reports about the mayhem? The looting? The vandalism? The calls to “Burn it down!”? Did you hear the speakers calling for acts of violence and destruction? Oh, you didn’t? That’s because tens of thousands of Christians did gather in DC this weekend,...
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July 9th, 2020
The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing.” Our nation needs unceasing prayer in a year that’s been particularly difficult for many. As COVID-19 cases spike again in many states, America needs prayer for health and safety. Government officials need prayer as they wrestle with difficult decisions about how to protect their economies and the health of their constituents. Partisan...
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June 15th, 2020
A string of recent race-related incidents have exposed painful divisions that run deep in our society. The most high profile of these incidents — the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer — launched our nation into a renewed conversation about racial injustice. CBS News reports that there have been over 700 Black Lives Matter demonstrations spanning all...
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May 22nd, 2020
In many places around the nation, state and local governments are well into their reopening plans. For a lot of people, it’s encouraging to see life getting back to normal again. But the threat of COVID-19 isn’t gone, especially for demographics that were always more at risk. As the reopening continues, our nation needs prayer, and I hope you’ll join...
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May 6th, 2020
It’s hard to believe it’s already time for the National Day of Prayer. So much has happened in the past year, and especially in the last few months. This year, I’m particularly grateful for this annual American tradition. The National Day of Prayer officially began in 1952, but the tradition of praying as a nation goes back much further, to the first...
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May 1st, 2020
As we enter the month of May, several states are reopening their economies after lockdowns inspired by COVID-19. At a press briefing on April 23, Vice President Mike Pence said 16 states had “formal reopening plans.” A New York Times tracker shows that nine other states are partially reopening their economies, and 22 states remain in lockdown. In the past...
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May 1st, 2020
As we enter the month of May, several states are reopening their economies after lockdowns inspired by COVID-19. At a press briefing on April 23, Vice President Mike Pence said 16 states had “formal reopening plans.” A New York Times tracker shows that nine other states are partially reopening their economies, and 22 states remain in lockdown. In the past...
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April 6th, 2020
Please join Point of View as we Pray for America. When you commit to pray with us, you will receive prayer reminders and updates on special needs.
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April 6th, 2020
At the Saturday Task Force Briefing from the White House this past weekend, Vice President Mike Pence spoke briefly. It was the day before Palm Sunday and he was emotional as he talked about the Easter Season and our nation’s healthcare workers. “The stories are incredibly moving about what healthcare workers are doing every day.” He talked about how they’re going...
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March 6th, 2020
By: Jeremy Dys – – March 3, 2019 Opening public meetings with prayer is such a long-standing American tradition that it is puzzling why some continue to seek the demise of the practice based on subjective claims that such prayers are “inappropriate and divisive.” Consider these news reports just since Jan. 26: A newspaper in Venice, Florida, reported that...
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