Pundits often warn that if we don’t change our ways, America will end up like Greece. Radio talk show host Tammy Bruce makes the case that the Greek mindset has already arrived in America. She says you can find it in the state of Oregon, and gives a number of examples. First, there is the way Oregon dealt with Obamacare. Oregon officials spent $300 million in taxpayer dollars to develop their website and marketplace. It never worked and so the…

Recent Viewpoints
Is there an anti-Christian bias in certain segments of society? Professor George Yancey has documented this. You can read the more popular version of his research in the book, Hostile Environment: Understanding and Responding to Anti-Christian Bias. He was on my radio program recently to talk about his research and his new book. He uses a term to describe what is happening: Christianophobia. He didn’t make up this word. It is in the dictionary. It is “an irrational animosity toward…
For many years we have seen how liberals and progressives on college campuses have been successful in shutting down dissent. We are now seeing more examples of this in all of society, especially after the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision. A few newspapers say they will no longer allow letters to the editor that oppose gay marriage because it is a fundamental right. Most news organizations have apparently adopted an editorial position that same-sex marriage is the only viable political…
If you think about it, many of the stories in the news today have a common denominator: the rule of law. Victor Davis Hanson in a recent column reminds us the barbarians at the gate are usually not the reason for the downfall of a civilization. Corruption within a country is what collapses a country. Take Greece for example. He argues that: “All the German euros in the world will not save Greece if Greeks continue to dodge taxes, feather-bed…
Polls show that American society is becoming more and more pro-life and that’s excellent news, due in no small measure to the heroic work of the pro-life movement over the years. Technology that allows us an increasingly clear and awe-inspiring window into the womb means no one can deny this is a human life. This probably explains why expectant parents increasingly refer to their unborn children by name well before the actual birth. Washington Post columnist and former George W….
A new book on, The State of the American Mind, reminds us of the ignorance and anti-intellectualism on college campuses and in our popular culture. One of the editors of this work is Emory Professor Mark Bauerlein, who I have talked about before because he was the author of the book, The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future. He was on my radio program recently to summarize what 16 different authors talked about…
The latest undercover videos concerning abortion released last week join the other abortion expose videos done by Lila Rose and Live Action. In the past, she and her group have caught Planned Parenthood officials taking money so they could abort more black babies and covering up the crimes of sexual predators who preyed on young girls. The latest videos of a Planned Parenthood executive illegally harvesting fetal organs should have been no surprise, but some people were actually shocked. One…
The HUD Secretary of the Obama Administration announced a government rule that will affect your family and community in ways you might not have imagined. Stanley Kurtz says that this is one of the most radical initiatives from this administration and has transformative potential. It gives the federal government power to impose “preferred racial and ethnic composition, densifying housing, transportation, and business development” in the suburbs and cities. Stanley Kurtz wrote about this issue many years ago in his book,…
Today’s kids are disconnecting from parents while they are connecting to the digital world through their smart phones and other digital devices. That is why it is so important for parents and other adults to read the book, Screens and Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in a Wireless World, written by Dr. Kathy Koch. She was on my radio program to talk about the insights in her book. We began by talking about the five core needs that all of…
Is it time for Christians to give up on the culture? Is the culture war over? I got a fresh perspective on these questions when I heard Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association speak to the issue of Christian involvement in the political and cultural arenas. He had a great quote from Patrick Buchanan. I went home to find the quote in the column, and was surprised to find out that Pat Buchanan wrote it 16 years ago. At…
We ought not to relegate Greece’s problems to Greece or even just to Europe. It’s true that Greece’s economy is only about the size of Louisiana’s and comprises just about 2 percent of the euro zone economy. The markets could absorb a Greek default. Greece’s contagion will not be economic, but political. Washington Post economics columnist Robert Samuelson advises that Americans look at the Greek crisis as “an elementary tutorial in what ails the world economy.” He points out that…